
Responses from mlsstl

Noisy Right Channel
Matched pairs is more of a power output tube issue than a preamp concern, though I certainly acknowledge that some are paranoid about this issue at every level.   
Noisy Right Channel
Also consider using some contact cleaner on the tube pins and sockets. Think about it, on a tube amp with four output tubes two drivers, depending on the tube types, that is somewhere around 40 or more mechanical connections that need to be made. ... 
Class D amplifier with TPA 3250 board
Confusing thread -- first hiss, now hum! Two distinctly different problems!  
Class D amplifier with TPA 3250 board
Class A/B has nothing to do with noise -- it simply describes how the amp is biased -- class A mode at low power, switching to class B operation as the power increases.  That switch can take place at a fraction of a watt to many watts, but doesn't... 
Class D amplifier with TPA 3250 board
One other thought -- have you tried different tubes in your amp? I know nothing about the design of your amp, but if the hiss is equal in both channels, it may be a bad preamp tube. Ones like 12AX7, for example, are dual-channel tubes so one tube ... 
Class D amplifier with TPA 3250 board
Do you hear hiss when the amp is hooked to the speakers, turned on, with NO source (including preamp) connected? While sometimes hiss is connected to an amp that simply doesn't have a very good S/N ratio, it is just as often connected with a mism... 
Qobuz or Apple Music?
Besides sound quality, I really like Qobuz's new music feature which is updated every Friday. You can look at all new music that's been recently released or limit it by genre. I've come across some great finds using this. And, they also have a "be... 
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY
I've got the Belden 10 gauge, 8' runs. As for a "very well established company", Lincoln Walsh invented the speaker design and patented it in 1969. Ohm Speakers was founded in 1972, and John Strohbeem, the current president, has been in that posi... 
DAC diminishing returns
Just a quick comment. Schiit's home trial policy on their higher end products deducts a 5% charge if you return it.  Big difference between that figure and 15%.   As for shipping, I've bought several items from them and the most I've ever been cha... 
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY
I've got Blue Jeans speaker cables on my Ohms. They work great.  
Best low power amps under 800$ (10-60 w)
I'm very fond of my Schiit Aegir (20 w/ch 8 ohms; 40 @ 4) but they just raised the price from $799 to $899.  Not sure how black & white your budget is.  The only drawback is it does run hot, though not as hot as a tube amp.    
DAC diminishing returns
@carlsbad: "It seems like "just music"...." Seems an odd choice of words.  While I don't think it is what you meant, most people would take a system sounding like "just music" as quite the compliment.  😉  
Phono Preamp w/ Rumble Filter
Just a quick thought -- since you are using subwoofers, have you run a frequency sweep with a good measurement mike?  It is real easy to end up with too much subsonic info that is aggravated by room nodes and has little or nothing to do with the m... 
hearing loss and amp choices
Do you still enjoy what you hear when listening to live music?  There is no way for you to "adjust" the sound of a live performance to compensate for your hearing loss.  In fact, the brain does a better job than most people would think possible in... 
Are some streaming players more reliable than others?
I have Qobuz and don't have dropout or freeze problems with my several Raspberry Pi based players. Same with my Roku video streaming -- no problems.   My first thought is that you should check your internet service.