
Responses from mikelavigne

having 24/192 WAV files and 24/192 capable DAC
there are three problems;--finding a DAC with coaxial input that will do 192/24 WAV files.--does coaxial have the bandwidth to handle 2-channel 192/24 WAV files?--if the cable has that potential bandwidth, then does a DAC have the proper drivers i... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Good tuntable VERY VERY OVERPRICED!!so a Magico Mini 2 owner is calling a tt overpriced, that's rich.btw, i'm not saying that the Magico, or any product, is overpriced. just that if one sees $30k value in a small 2-way, then one should be understa... 
Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?
i think that Nordost Valhalla does sound 'right'. however; it is not forgiving and is maybe not the answer for everyone. Odin is even more so.i use to have 6 sets of Valhalla in my system and am down to one set now (on the Rockport -> Allnic) a... 
SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here
the Rockport Alya's were over at the Mirage. i went over on Sunday morning to see Andy Payor and ask him about the Sirius V tt. i mostly talked to Andy but i did listen to a few cuts. i was impressed by the sound, as i always am by Andy's speakers... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Kostas,your comment is a reasonable one; but only if one assumes that Eckart liked the Caliburn lots more than he liked the Criterion. again we come back to the cost/benefit-value issue.i've heard the Caliburn and the Criterion 4 times each in dif... 
Why no professional reviews of Evolution Acoustic
I think the answer might have more to do with the 6 large heavy crates for a pair of 575 pound speakers, $1200+ shipping two ways and the fact that the first 9 months to 1 year production was all sold out. also; the speaker is so room adjustable t... 
Opinion - Esoteric P-05 & D05 and Meridian 808.2
2 questions.are you interested in other digital players besides these 2 (in the same general price range)?are you planning on using this product as a high rez server dac?i don't want to muddy the water unless it's ok. 
How large is your music collection?
from Timrhufrom Mike Lavigne...."10,000 Lps, of which 3000 are played regularly"that statement blows me away. Please define regularly.i will try to explain the best i can. sorry for the delay, i missed your question in December and just saw it thi... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
So I guess one "reason not to go for a Caliburn", as you originally asked, is that it costs so much?i think a better way to look at it is that the cost/benefit ratio is not sufficient to close the deal.not a matter of means but of value.he is alre... 
SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here
i was only at CES (the Venetian) for about 4 hours on Saturday afternoon, and then only early Saturday am and early Sunday am at T.H.E. Show at the Flamingo. So my perceptions are not in any way complete. my understanding is that by Saturday most ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Syntax,after CES your link hit the spot, thanks.we are a sorry lot, aren't we. 
alternative power supply for Garrard 301
i use the Loricraft PSU 301 AR on my Dobbins-Garrard 301. i have not heard it without the Loricraft so i cannot really say how much it is contributing to the overall performance. OTOH myself and every other visitor to the room is drawn to the Garr... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
i'm on the way home to Seattle from CES, sitting in the Sacramento airport on the wifi, with 3 hours to kill (the flight is delayed till 8pm).Raul, true, the CES system the Caliburn was in was not familiar to me, but added to my previous experienc... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
yesterday i spent 30 minutes or so at CES listening to the Caliburn. it had an Air Tight Supreme mounted, playing thru ARC electronics.i've listened to the Caliburn 3 other times at shows but never had a true sense of what it's character was compa... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Thuchan,it's not a trifling thing to consider a product like a Caliburn. your comment that certain tt's "do not push my emotions very much" tells all. looking at your already formidable array of analog beauties which i'm sure you highly enjoy, wha...