
Responses from mikelavigne

TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
i've had my Rockport recorded with the speakers at high volume and then while monitoring with headphones. at least with redbook level recording there was no audible difference. but that's the Rockport with SOTA isolation designed into the tt.my ot... 
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ???
Lew,Do you know or can you say here just how is the bearing isolated from the motor?very good question.Steve did not explain that to me (or if he did it went over my head).obviously Steve has made plinths for dozens of (Technics SP-10) Mk3's and e... 
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ???
maybe i should post the basics about The Beat. it is a state of the art direct drive tt with a separate power supply. it comes with 2 arm boards. it has a bearing separate from the very high torque direct drive motor. i had one in my system for 2 ... 
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ???
ya mean like here......and maybe here, and then here.yes, i do know about it. then later here.you just need to know where to look. 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
Jon,no problem. i composed a long response which further defended my turf.....and then thought better of it and deleted it.if you are ever in the Seattle area come over and hear what i mean.cheers! 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
first; i apologize for the thread detour my reaction (to the 'shot' at vinyl) has caused. if analog and digital were comparable, would you ever choose analog?that is a very very big 'if'.....and not one i rekon i'll need to consider in my lifetime... 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
I just can't take the occasional pops and clicks in the middle of an emotional piece of music. It just breaks things up for me. I guess to each his own.your previous comment inferred analog/vinyl listeners chose vinyl for the ritual and not the m... 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
Frank,considering the price range of the digital players you have mentioned; i might recommend that you add the Playback Designs MPS-5 to the list. it is able to perform in an analog rich environment (my system has 3 tt's and 2 RTR decks) and neve... 
The pivoted arm experiment is over
Mepearson,i've been in Syracuse NY though the weekend for the NCAA BB tournament and missed this thread until just now.congrats on the great effort to figure out what sort of arm is right for you. and we all had fun along the way exchanging viewpo... 
Reel to Reel
Jay,last fall Rich Brown had brought the Cello over, Ki wired the switch into the Studer, and we listened. this was with an RCA connection. all was good but the bass impact was missing thru the Cello compared to the stock circuit. also; i desired ... 
Best System for Pink Floyd
i would agree that headphones are, by nature, immersive and 'other-worldly'. Pink Floyd music is most definitely not meant to be 'conventional....and does compliment the headphone perspective on music. some of the 'stuff' Pink Floyd puts into the ... 
Best System for Pink Floyd
Tvad,yes; i've heard Pink Floyd thru headphones, although just lowly Sennheiser HD-580's. there are aspects of the sound which are unique to headphones, but a whole part of the experience is missing. on many Pink Floyd albums headphones do give yo... 
Reel to Reel
Sam,i've spoken to Tim dPv regarding modding the Studer A-820. he was not too keen on it since he's never done one. it's quite a beast inside. we did speak about him doing my ATR-102 which he would be glad to to do as he's done quite a few of thos... 
Reel to Reel
Sam and Miles,currently i have switch wired into the heads on my Studer A-820 (by Ki Choi) which allowed me to try Charlie King's Cello circuit a few weeks back. Rich Brown brought it over. it sounded wonderful thru RCA's.....and i'll likely purch... 
Best System for Pink Floyd
I think Samuel and Sonicbeauty have pretty much nailed the answer with the reference SACD 5.1 surround system, and headphones answers.well; i'm a big SACD fan (i own about 1000 of them), a couple of years ago i did convert my 2-channel room to mul...