
Responses from mikelavigne

Digital Audio Denmark convertors
as far as optimization of digital playback, the Playback Designs MPS-5 does solve the clocking/jitter issue intertnally without reclocking devices. for some insight into how Playback Designs approaches this issue, follow this link to some answers ... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Raul,to avoid further cluttering this thread with non-A90 advice, please e-mail me (or post on my system page) MM/MI recommendations which are currently "reasonably" purchasable which might represent this superior performance you are touting.thanks, 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Raul,when you say.....IMHO I think that the MUSIC run so easily through a MM cartridge due ( between other facts ) to its very high compliance characteristic on almost any MM cartridge.This very high compliance permit ( between other things like b... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Chris,last night i did install the used Ortofon Jubilee on the Technics/Reed and this morning jtinn (who is visiting me this weekend) and i dialed it in. i'd say that it's set-up level is 'fairly close', but not spot on perfect.there is a signific... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Lew,tomorrow i will have a used Ortofon Jubilee to play with for a little while. i'll install it on the Technics and see how it plays with the big (and bigger) boys.Lew, i agree we don't want to start an arguement. one gets into the cost of dimini... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
let me throw another log on the fire, so to speak.i do have a second A90 coming (hopefully) next week for the Dobbins Technics SP-10 Mk3 with the Reed arm. i did have my A90 on the Reed briefly 3 weeks ago and it did sound marvelous. we did not sp... 
Monaco TT with Halcyonics
having heard the Halcyonics in my system (under a digital transport and under a preamp) my guess is that 'ANY' piece of audio gear will likely be improved with the decoupling of the Halcyonics. it is possible that the character of the sound could ... 
SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?
additional note on the darTZeel. if listeners have not heard a darTZeel NHB-102 with the new upgraded circuit boards (based in the new darTZeel 500 watt monoblocks to be introduced at CES) they have not heard what it can do. it's quite an upgrade ... 
SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?
i have lots of tube lovers visit my room and they seem to be just fine with my darTZeel NHB-108 Stereo amp. recently, i upgraded it with new boards, which added 'slam', improved the sense of ease and control, and lowered the noise level. the dart ... 
UHA Reel to Reel/Tape Project opinions
Where does one find a KOB 2-track Master Dub Tape?without intentions of sounding like a smart ass, one does not find a 2-track master dub of KOB, it finds you. in fairness to The Tape Project; they play by the rules and negotiate licensing agreeme... 
UHA Reel to Reel/Tape Project opinions
Sam,let me say this in a politically correct way; your wife is definitely included in my invitation. i enjoyed our (you me, and your wife) conversations at RMAF and i envy you having an 'audiophile' wife.....and agree she is cool and knows her mus... 
UHA Reel to Reel/Tape Project opinions
Myles,i have the Basie 61' 'party tape' and the KOB. they both do 'rock'. the Basie might be my single favorite recording.Sam, come on up to Seattle and i'll be glad to play them for ya....and a couple other 'special' tapes too. 
Which preamp helps lower listening sessions?
i can think of a few diferent ways a system can sound better at low levels.in your case, going from the Simaudio ss to the tube preamp, the tubes likely have a warmer, more full character which can satisfy at lower levels, whereas the ss preamp ne... 
UHA Reel to Reel/Tape Project opinions
Yes, I am pushing Blu-Ray as I believe it is a way of getting the best performance from the tape masters, especially masters that were done three channel.do you truely think that Blue Ray or any PCM can match Tape or Lp when analog master tapes ar... 
UHA Reel to Reel/Tape Project opinions
Powerdoctor, you are really asking two questions.....one of which can be answered pretty objectively, the other becomes a question of priorities.does a high quality RTR deck (of which the UHA Phase 4 deck is one (possible) example) playing Tape Pr...