
Responses from mikelavigne

Well Tempered Classic or Technics SP10Mk2
Macrojack said above;The EPA-100 is a genuine contender for best arm ever made.not that i, in any way, agree with MacroJack's statement.i've not done the comparative listening to the better vintage arms in direct comparision to the best of today's... 
Reel to Reel decks
assuming the same speed....7 and 1/2ips, the difference between 2 and 4 track is mainly that 2 track is double the width; which yields a wider bandwidth, greater dynamic range, and correspondingly lower noise floor.what that does in reality is tha... 
Reel to Reel decks
Orpheus, the Technics RS-1500 is a 4-track/2-track machine.it does 3 3/4ips, 7 1/2ips and 15ips. i have about 20 7 1/2 2-track tapes and maybe 100 7 1/2ips 4-track tapes.i'm not sure what you are referring to regarding applying the term 'direct dr... 
Reel to Reel decks
currently i have 3, the Studer A-820, the Ampex ATR-102 and Technics RS-1500. 
Reel to Reel decks
as big a tape fan as i am, i'm with T-Bone on this one. you can take any output signal, record it, and change it, or add something to it, but.....you cannot improve it in terms of information. the additions and changes may or may not make it more ... 
Reel to Reel decks
Buconero;respectfully i want to echo Kipdent's comments and strongly disagree with your perspective on Blue-ray disc music performance compared to 1/4" 15ips master tape dubs.you wrote;Given a listen to the latter blu ray and I think you will forg... 
Reel to Reel decks
about 3 years ago something called 'The Tape Project' was started and it caused a real RTR tape resurgence to occur.i'd recommend going to The Tape Project Forum here.there are also tape boards on many audiophile websites. do a search here on Audi... 
Cannonball Adderley's "Somethin Else"... Mono?
in addition to a stereo MFSL UDCD CD version and the recent excellent AP stereo SACD version, i have 2 Original Blue Note stereo pressings, a Classic Records stereo 33rpm reissue, a couple of the Classic Records single disc 45rpm stereo pressings ... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
but the sound is breathtaking. I have a wide soundstage, excellent extension at the top and bottom ends, fantastic dynamics, incredible tracking, and probably the greatest realism I have ever heard.Norm, i thought you were through with tt's?8>)... 
Reel to Reel
whymodel ta better analogy would be a Prius verses the Concorde.transportation for the masses, verses as good as it gets. 
Rilou,as i mentioned above i own the Playback Designs MPS-5. i have heard the AMR CD-77, but never in my own system and not compared directly to either EMM or the Playbacks. i did own EMM Labs gear for 6 years, the last one was the SE transport an... 
As far as judging industrial design, fit and finish, component as art, and overall aesthetics; much of that is totally subjective....and therefore a matter of individual tastes.i own the Playback Designs and do appreciate it's look and quality of ... 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
Frank, very nice tt indeed.here is the Playback Designs distributor in Germany.here is the Playback Designs distributor in Switzerland.if you love your analog you will love the Playback Designs. 
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ???
Mepearson, i have 2 different Classic Records 'Tommy's and the MCA, and another 3 or 4 other various pressings. the 'Simply Vinyl' pressing had a much larger soundstage and the bottom is fuller and more impactful than any of the others.i try to sp... 
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ???
another related issue when looking at the Mk3 is that the platter is part of the motor assembly. so there is no choice if a better platter is desired. the Mk3 does not have a 'problematic platter'; but just like the bearing issue there is room for...