
Responses from mikelavigne

Isolation for a table for floors with movement
Dev,thanks for the details on your set-up.from what you say it sounds like the floor is the way it's going to be. the only other 'floor' idea is to get something large, dense and heavy and try it under your rack. it's possible it might 'ground' th... 
Isolation for a table for floors with movement
hi Dev,there are lots of good ideas in the above posts. my current room has 6" of concrete on a ground floor. my previous room was a suspended wood floor over a crawl space. i did pour some concrete pads in the crawl space and rig some cross membe... 
Direct Drive turntables
FWIW, I vote that agon creates a science first forum where opinions must be backed by data (or references thereto).there are lots of forums where 'prove it' is dominant. in those forums few focus on listening, and it's interesting how the 'sceinti... 
Direct Drive turntables
....could define that timing then why three different TT: SP-10, Monaco and Walker ( I can't find the spec on the Rockport. ) with the same spec on speed: 0.001%, sounds so different?add two zeros (accurate to within 10 parts per million) next to ... 
Direct Drive turntables
Raul,Lp performance has many interconnected variables, we all agree on that. how an Lp is rotated on a platter is just one of those varibles. am i hung up a bit on this issue exclusively? yes and no.notice i use the term 'preferrer' when descibing... 
Direct Drive turntables
lots of sound logic (pun intended) in these posts. the last 2, from Teres and Radical Steve, ring true with me.i'm a direct drive 'preferrer'....and also enjoy what a good idler can do for musical enjoyment with it's added 'spice'. i've heard many... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
beyond the review of the A90 in Stereophile, i did speak to Fremer at RMAF about the A90.....which was early October. the November Stereophile had not yet been mailed which contained the review, but it was being given away at RMAF (although i had ... 
Is sooloos worth the money?
it should be pointed out that Sooloos is owned by Meridian and marketed by 'brick and mortar' High End Home Theatre stores that typically have 2-channel as a sideline. it's not directed at the hard core enthusiast audiophile primarily but more a p... 
Is sooloos worth the money?
Yxlei,actually; Playback Designs is quite popular here in the North America.....at least amoung friends of mine. of course, one of those friends is Jonathan Tinn, one of the owners of the company that makes and sells Playback Designs.i have not he... 
Is sooloos worth the money?
i think the Sooloos is a wonderful product. unfortunately it's biggest attribute, the interface, can now be had for much less. you would not get a full sized touch screen, but you would have a great touch screen remote.the Sooloos's biggest shortf... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Lew, the 12 inches of wood (cedar) in the Reed 'L' can only help the tonality. what i'm hearing reminds me of the Schroeder Ref SQ i had on the SP-10 Mk2, but with better dynamics. the Schroeder was probably a bit more lush (at the expense of some... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
further impressions of the Technics SP-10 Mk3--Reed 'L' 12" with the A90......as compared to the Garrard--Triplaner--A90. about 6-7 hours. dialed in more, running 2.27 grams and slightly up in the rear. the Technics/Reed has a wonderful tonality, ... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
OK, just mounted the 2nd Ortofon MC A90 cartridge (ser# 079) on the Dobbins Technics SP-10 Mk3 with Reed 'L' arm playing thru the Allnic H3000. previously i had briefly mounted my first A90 (ser# 008) so it's not the first time on the Technics. ri... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Steve,I will be visiting Mike Lavigne next month to try out a few new tricks for the 301.i'm really looking forward to another visit and further Garrard tweaks. i'll try to get the 2nd A90 broken in prior to the visit so we can really compare thin... 
low output mc: noise free listening possible?
i use two relatively low output cartridges, a Lyra Olympos with .17mv output and a Ortofon MC A90 with .24mv output. i have owned a few others in that output range.these cartridges do require a good deal of gain; which typically adds noise unless ...