
Responses from mikelavigne

Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF
Norm,i don't presume to be at Steve's level in cartridge set-up proceedure. i had my 120 hour A90 on that same Triplaner arm that Steve used on his 40 hour A90. we had had it set at 2.21 grams in my system on the Garrard. we had tried VTF's down t... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Changster;back in 1999--2001 i owned a Clearaudio Insider Gold. it was an excellent cartridge at the time and replaced my much loved (and only recently sold) Koetsu RSP in my sustem. then i was exposed to the vdH Colibri; which suplanted the Insid... 
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF
Norm,my quest is only what sounds most real....in all seriousness. i don't have any pre-concieved notion on VTF. it either sounds best or it does not. i do think that only over time and open-minded listening and experimentation can the most ideal ... 
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF
both A90's, one on the Rockport with VTF at 2.06 grams with 65 hours on it, and the other one on the Garrard/Reed 2P with VTF at 1.56 grams with 120 hours on it, are still sounding stellar 10 days later.Steve Dobbins took the 3rd A90 (which had be... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Dertonarm,i tried my best to not make my post personal in any way....as all your posts have been made with respect and class. i don't mean to cause you to defend or explain yourself.i just felt that when you posted that comment that it needed to b... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Otherwise you will find very few sonic statements in any of my postsa profound thought for sure....which caused me pause.after i read the above comment i sat for awhile and pondered exactly why it bothered me so much. i have yet to answer that que... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
my second Reed (with approx 60 hours on it) is on the Rockporttypo---i meant my 2nd A90, not my second Reed (even thougfh i do have 2 Reeds). 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
A90 Alert!!!!no, nothing wrong with my A90's. relax.i would like to bring attention to an issue we discovered this past weekend we had 3 different A90's on three different tt's at the same time.....and .....they all had dramatically different idea... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
audiophile impressions versus mechanical lawslong term observations on cartridge durability on a linear tracker is not 'placebo' or 'audiophile impressions'. Fred did not imagine that his vdH Cartridge had no problems. i did not imagine that my vd... 
the greatest pop song ever?
you can start the debate hereit's as good a list as any. 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Has anyone compared recent linear and pivot tonearms on a 2-arm TT at the same time w/ the same cartridge for an A/B comparison? What did you notice?yep.currently i have 2 Ortofon A90 cartridges; one on my Garrard 301/Triplaner and one on my Rockp... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Is there even a way to measure this lateral force/stress on the cantilever/motor assembly?it would seem to be simple to place some sort of sensor between the linear arm housing (or the cartridge body) and press against it. the smallest force requi... 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
one more thing......thanks for the report on the Dobbins 301 platter. Steve is supposed to be visiting me in a few weeks and he'll be bringing the 301 platter which i'm planning on purchasing. 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
Johnp,great report on the shootout between the Dobbins tt's.as i own(d) all three of those exact tt's (i sold the Mk2 last year and still have the Mk3 and 301) your report has interest to me.first a comment; i never percieved my Mk2 with Schroeder... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
i own both types, the Rockport Sirius III linear tracking arm, a pivoted Triplaner, and a pivoted Reed.my experience is that optimizing a well designed linear tracker can get world class bass performance.....even compared to top level pivoted arms...