
Responses from mgottlieb

Under speaker metal SPIKES ...what is the point ?
Abstract 7--my best guess is that spikes cut down as much as possible of the speaker-floor vibration interface, and the Aurios Pros essentially cut out the rest, leaving nothing but the sound the speakers are outputting. Probably hanging the speak... 
Under speaker metal SPIKES ...what is the point ?
I'd like to add a thought. Every comment above about using spikes to minimize vibrations and blurring of detail is 100% correct, and the minute I screwed spikes into the feet of my 200 pound speakers there was a substantial improvement. But then, ... 
Great cd players that can connect directly to a power amp?
dCS Elgar and Delius DACs have a superb volume control and can be hooked up directly to the power amps. 
Which support for underneath CD player?
You might try a set of Aurios Pros. They are expensive, but make an enormous difference. 
Least Losses: Long speaker cable vs. Long Interconnect?
I have tried this kind of comparison with two very good cable types, NBS Monitor 0 and Cardas Golden Reference, and both times I found that there was a noticeable improvement when I used shorter speaker cables and a longer preamp-power amp interco... 
White cloudy film on inside groove of an LP
This is a common phenomenon on used LPs, although I have not found it on LPs I bought myself new 30-40 years ago, possibly because I have put them in good quality inner sleeves, which suggests that it may be trapped water vapor held against the vi... 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
I heard the Kharmas, but in a very large room, and immediately after hearing the top of the line Kharmas (the $80,000ish ones that just recently got a rave in TAS). In that room, and after hearing the bigger Kharmas, which are stunning, I thought ... 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
The Eidolons are about as good as it gets, provided you can get far enough away from them, and get them far enough away from the rear and side walls--5 to 6 feet, from everything I've heard. I have some of the same problems, and wound up with the ... 
How could surround sound be used in an audiophile system?
It's sad when really good ideas get lost because something supposedly "better" comes along. It's not a question of how could it be used, but how was it used, and why did everyone give up on it? In the '70s and '80s some small companies made availa... 
CD Pressings. Are they now Universal?
I don't think it is a CD processing issue so much as a mastering issue. Up to about 1995 each EMI company, for example, just slapped on to CD the master tape they had used for LP production, so American Angel CDs were just as bad as their LPs had ... 
DVD A Sacd or Stay put for a while
Some quick thoughts, none of them original:1. I guarantee that if we all wait to see which format survives, none of them will.2. Anyone who doesn't hear the difference between SACD and CD shouldn't bother spending any more money on audio equipment... 
SME 3,4, 5 Owners- Cueing Problem??
Haven't had any problems with my 5 in a dozen years of use, but what you are describing sounds exactly like what the dealer warned me against--don't tip the arm over with the damping trough full or some of it may get into the arm housing and screw... 
What is the best solid state moving coil phono section?
Try the Pass X-ONO. Wonderful sound, no solid state feel, as quiet as you can get. 
Nordost vs NBS
After trying a LOT of very well respected cables in my system, for me it came down to a choice between NBS Monitor 0 and Purist Dominus, and I have mixed-and-matched them depending on component changes. (They work very well together.) I eventually... 
Floor Resonance and Full Range Speaker Stands
If your speakers are spiked, you could try putting a set of Aurios Pros (the larger, self-balancing Aurios) under each speaker. They do an astounding job of floating the speaker so it doesn't feed vibrations to the floor or interact with vibration...