
Responses from mechans

What is the benefit of a second amplifier .
I still have 2 two channel systems. One is a nice older tube headphone amp and some headphones. The other is a vintage tube receiver a Fisher 400 and a pair of Hyperion bookshelf speakers.  
What is the benefit of a second amplifier .
I once had a basement system with a bunch of speakers I had aquired over the years.  They were all out and not far from  the main speakers I was trying to build a system around. A fellow audio friend told me that the sound i.e. sound pressure was ... 
Newbie question-- where to throw my frogskins next?
Just Curious what tubes are in the Moscode.  There should be 4, total??? They may be good ones ,or if it was tube raped (or they were dead), some new cheap stuff.  New tubes are good because it will work correctly, not be noisy etc.  Old is good,-... 
Pass Labs INT 60 VS. Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP VS. Arcam A49
I own a number of amps all except one that I can think of are Tube Amps.  I am firmly committed to them but only with reasonable speakers .  I decide what reasonable is, somewhat arbitrarily .  If I owned Sashas, I would use solid state.  That sai... 
Best Computer Speakers
How much does the B &W  A 7 cost?  Can you use non Apple gear to control it?  The Kefs seem to be well engineered but I didn't see the price on that one either.  They both look like they cost something?  The 'Mini Maggies'  are bigger but look... 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
I have to admit that I too have turned on a tubed amp to warm up and ultimately never played anything when it was ready to play.I too now have an apartment, I am using headphones which has made me more comfortable in terms of decency towards the n... 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
There is nothing wrong in audio as a hobby  That means that I like gear and what it contributes to a sound I think I desire.  When enjoying my equipment I don't listen the pink noise or test tones. I started out with a portable "transistor"  AM ra... 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
Yes because of an unenviable place due to a mean spirited divorce.  She got the house I got garbage.  Lest you think I am kidding you- I asked my son to retrieve my preamp, he did so when I was led to believe that the audio was mine.  She is keepi... 
Prima Luna Prologue 3 rolled some tubes and...
I agree with trying 5751s.  I prefer the 5751 in most cases where the somewhat lower Mu is compatible with the other elements most people run. .  In your case I think it will work just fine.   I think your jaw may drop further with them, because I... 
When will there be decent classical music recordings?
I would like to hear some people's worst nightmare.  That would be to mic every instrument individually, and then have the conductor work with audio engineers to bring the piece back to life. 
Cable between SUT and phono pre?
A high purity silver cable.  I find that it works for me and I usually prefer copper for its warmer color in other parts of my system. 
Merlin VSM MXr vs Thiel 2.4 vs Dynaudio C1
I am sorry to inform you about this.  There is no cure for audiophool disease. At some time it may go into remission for variable periods but always recurs.  Research looking for cures has been disappointing.  Angry spouses have occasionally cause... 
Do they make a quiet great sounding phono pre amp??
I am still curious about one thing.  What is the price of the current Klyne phono pre.  The best model, whatever designation they use. I went to the Klyne web site which is a little odd, as it is called " Klyne Audio Arts" or something like that. ... 
Trafomatic Audio Reference 300B monos
We call it  PRAT =Pace,Rate or Rhythm and Timing. You still haven’t heard your alternative 300b amp with the Trafomatics? Anyway if you want a bigger power triode consider different tubes. The most common one you will encounter is the 845, but the... 
Has anyone ever used "stacked" Heresy's
I had my Heresy on my LaScalas in the MTM configuration for a while.One thing that isn't getting a lot coverage here is the  different and potential sound shaping, after market crossovers which you can typically find on Ebay. Some of these have go...