
Responses from mechans

Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it
So much for saving a ton using a headphone set up.  My better tube headphone amp had a channel go and the manufacturer has been out of business for a long time.  So what do I do?  I buy another all tube unit, this time 2 6SN7s driving the 6AS7G , ... 
Why have the prices of Marantz and Sansui speakers have gone up so much? Whyyyy???
There is one speaker from that era which have always had a following the Realistic (Radio Shack) Mach 1.  I only know people have sought them from the start and haven't hard any myself.  They are still popular but have gotten panned by people used... 
Question for tube aficionados
The current production Gold Lions produce a sound that comes closer to the old production Philips tubes such as Mullard and even the less rich sounding Amperex.  Still many of the old 5751s while excellent in regard to tone are even better for ima... 
Question for tube aficionados
Yes try NOS OS 5751s they were all the rage 10 years ago.  They are more reasonable these days.  I advise you get Sylvania blackplates, RCA easier to get and even GE again blackplate and their 5 star brand.  If your up to a search the Raytheon win... 
I have the speakers I grew up with in the 50's 60's.
The 375 is a large compression driver that is normally attached to a horn.  They were the largest such driver made by JBL in the time period you are writing about.  They are highly sought after  are sought after.  They were used in a number of Ico... 
6L6 vs EL34
Not my experience at all, but then again the sound always depends on the system the tubes are in.  EL34s 6CA7s and KT-77s have all sounded very clean and precise.  The 6L6 has always been a sweeter more euphonic tube, but as I said the amps they w... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I would gladly compare  your (Teo) cables to my Cardas cables, if you like.  The reason I bought them was that I like the sound quality they have.  I bought new only because of a very reputable authorized seller had a great sale on them.  I have b... 
Shopping at Goodwill anyone?
I'll stay with Hi Fi, found big Yamaha speakers, a Carver power amp, and a Sansui receiver.  I have also bought some vinyl there. 
Biamping with very different amps
No not at all. That's something I have wanted to try for a long time. That's the idea a bass specific high current amp and a tube amp for the magic imagery and tone.  
A little help please
I'm still waiting to hear what the guy's associated equipment was.  It would be odd if all he had was a cassette player.  I guess other buyers bought the other gear and left the cassette player.  
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
I am surprised no one has mentioned the MBLs Reference Line .  At least as a question of whether the aesthetics are pleasing or resemble an upside down pineapples resting on a right side up twins. 
What a scam!!
It looks like someone took some very enticing audio goods and listed them at silly low instant buy prices which must  directly deposit  to the criminals account. 
Isolation platform for the power amps
I don’t think discussions concerned with our understanding of physics is really going to help those of us concerned with effective tweaks on a purely practical level. Yes all that knowledge matters, but it is not really that helpful here. Question... 
Phono preamp question
Which  Graham Slee did you try.?  I haven't used the Adcom but am impressed with the Graham Slee I have been using.  The Graham  Slee Gram Amp 2 SE, with a high output MC Dynevector 20X. 
Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?
Yes it's crazy to buy an old CD player.  They one of the audio pieces that actually move and are subject to wear and tear.  That and the argument re: older technology, especially the DAC.