

Responses from mapman

Materialism or Idealism is hope alive? And Request
"I have a theory that the vast majority of digital “upgraditis” cases are actually caused by the inherent limitations of redbook CD.I might agree with the qualification that it is the perception of the limitations of redbook CD that cause some to ... 
Best high end monitors?
There is no "best". With a good sub, any good monitor that sounds good to you mated to a good sub will sound great and deliver meat on the bones.I've heard the Magico's...very nice indeed but overpriced IMHO for monitors. I use a meager pair of hi... 
WiFi Connection
The wireless router/modem configuration is the most common but a wireless modem should work as well as stated above. That is what I use for my Wifi network which includes multiple laptops with a music server configured, Roku Soundbridge as interne... 
Squeezebox 3 As A Preamp?
I think you could easily try running the squeezebox to the NAD assuming this model NADs pre and amp sections can be decoupled in the rear like many NADS can to use the pre-amp inputs to the power amp section only and see how it sounds in compariso... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Rebbe,Do the tweets on the Ohms face your listening position when you compare with the Totems?I'm wondering if the tweak is to reposition the super tweet to point towards you better in your listening position?Ohm often repositions the tweet from t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Ohm has a reputation of taking care of their customers and getting a lot of repeat and referral business.John Strohbeen is a unique guy. He doesn't fool around or beat around the bush from my few exchanges with him. A true MIT-trained engineer!Abo... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Ptmconsulting,Not me, but I just thought it ironic that technically the most practical way to clean up a messy analog signal off a turntable were one so inclined might be to convert it to digital first before doing the processing.The horror! The h... 
A spousal revelation ... and a tall order. Help
Classic Audio Reproductions is another I would consider with the proper tube system to match that I just recalled. I know Atmasphere who I think really knows his stuff likes these! Can't say for certain how they'd match to your amps though.Cheers! 
A spousal revelation ... and a tall order. Help
I've been led to believe that horn designs are not champs at 3-d or holographic imaging, if that is what we're talking about.This is based on what I have gathered from others on A'gon. I have not logged many hours listening to horn designs recentl... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Ptmconsulting,It hasn't been a burning issue for me either. It is what it is. You either live with it or there are ways to deal with it both physical (clamps, new records, CDs instead) or via signal processing (filters, etc.).On the signal process... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Two good things (relatively) about low frequency noise playing records:1) I find it less offensive during listening than high frequency noise2) If you can see the woofs on speakers, you can be sure when it exists because you can see and/or feel it... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Eldartford,I am in agreement with your perspective on these things. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
"I say, why not put the filter in, if it is a problem. If you don't hear it, don't worry about it."Agree. It's not illegal. If it works for the better for you, then you should do it.BTW the other common negative effect I've seen with rumble and ot... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
If your record is warped or cut too poorly to deliver satisfactory sound, even with filters, clamps, etc., then you have two practical options:1) get a better pressing of the record2) buy the CD or digital equivalent if possible.Unless the tt is n... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
I've seen or been able to feel (to the touch) unwanted low end woofer excursions in smaller bookshelf/monitor speaks I've owned in the past during record playback that on paper could not produce subsonic frequencies. This tells me that the unwante...