

Responses from mapman

Subsonic Rumble Solutions
"Perhaps you would like them better if the came in a 20 pound one foot square box with a ton of wires and capacitors and resitors and tubes and...:)"Isn't that necessary to qualify as high end? 
Anyone here have experience with MIT cabling ?
Alessandro,Thanks for that but I was hoping you could describe the differences between these MIT products and the older Terminator 2 and 4 that I use in my system specifically?Thanks. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Maril,I notice in your pic that the table sits close in from of on of the speakers. That may be a challenging location unless the floor in your listening room is extremely rigid, like a concrete foundation or such and same true for your stand.If y... 
CD has laid back and uninvolving sound
Dazzdax,You have good stuff so its surprising to me.I'm assuming your CD is working properly as designed.First I'd like to know more about the rest of your system: amp, speakers, ICs, etc.I think a common problem with CD playback is that often the... 
truth about subs?
I am not familiar with the article referred to but the truth about subs for me is that, properly integrated, a decent sub the most practical and affordable way to get very excellent full range sound into a system. 
CD has laid back and uninvolving sound
I don't think that this is necessarily the case in general, though it is certainly not uncommon for various reasons.I have albums that sound great and better than CD versions and vice versa. 
Neil Diamond.........
I have a double CD set called "Gold" that is mostly original studio recordings with very good sound + a few live versions of a few Neil Diamond songs at the end. IT is a wonderful collection for getting exposure to Diamond's better known classic w... 
Anyone here have experience with MIT cabling ?
Alessandro1.Please tell me more about the difference between Terminator series and other MIT cables you are familiar with?Thanks. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Maril555,I'd start with the production quality of the record being played especially if the problem does not occur with the table running and no record playing or it is obviously variable from record to record.If it is the table (is that a direct ... 
Review: Soundsmith SG-410 Strain Gauge Cartridge Cartridge
One important question:Who cares?For the asking price, those who might afford it will listen (if they can) and decide if the sound of the novel approach warrants the asking price. This tech talk about RIAA standards is interesting but in the end o... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
"I tried separating the speakers further from each other so that the tweet paths would intersect closer to my listening position, and it definitely affected the tonal balance... considerably brighter, and the imaging seemed more in focus... vocals... 
Neil Diamond.........
I like a lot of Neil Diamonds stuff (not all though) and think he has a fantastic emotive voice.Solitary Man and I Am I Said are two of my favorites of his.Never seen him live but I am sure it would be fantastic (it's on my list). 
gain control issue
I picked up my Harrison attenuators via Amazon. 
Anyone here have experience with MIT cabling ?
I know what kind of sound the Terminator 2 and 4 interconnects delivers because I own them and have experimented.I do not doubt that the high end versions probably sound better either.I am skeptical though that the prices many cable companies char... 
Best Canadian Made Whiskey
That would be Crown Royal, wouldn't it?