
Responses from lrsky

Which power amp?
Jvilly,The Bryston is not known for any 'hardness' or fatiguing characteristics...actually, quite the opposite. It's on the 'dry' side of the spectrum overall, but not at all hashy or problematic in the parts of music which can 'tear your head off... 
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay
Frankly, I'm surprised that Mr. Wolf would say this.For a speaker to be 'truly' phase correct, time function, being 'distance' in this context, would have to be correct also.Time alignment, in the loudspeaker context, places the drivers in a posit... 
mbl 101e vs 116f vs 111f
I think that the MBL electronics, if within a price range that's possible, would be the perfect match--the synergism of the product line becomes very obvious at that point.I've tried the MBL in my home and it's very Gryphon-like in its sound. Not ... 
Review: LSA1 Statement
My last communication regarding this review was 4-23-10.At the time of the review some folks thought I overreacted to the reviewer. The points I made were that, he joined the same day, (maybe week) that the review was posted and that he disliked e... 
Review: Merlin Music Systems Merlin TSM-MMI Monitor
If more audio manufacturers treated their customers as Bobby does, there probably wouldn't be much trading or selling of used gear and maybe no Audiogon--most would have found a home, a product and a partner they could live with for a long, long t... 
Hi, need help with Snell Type a iii
Krell, when used in the bass region only is hard to beat.Since it's only Achilles Heel, IMHO is the mid/upper mid hashiness that I've described ad nauseum on these pages, it seems like a perfect choice.It's deep, powerful and controls very well, a... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
As promised, I have the response from Dr. West of Soundlabs, as to the 'life expectancy' of Sound Labs' electrostatic panels.I told him in an email, that the issue was posed on Audiogon, a site that I post on regularly, and asked his permission to... 
Answer:In home audition for 3 days. The first day will be bad to ok, second, better, third reflective of what you can expect long term. (Generalizing)Don't spend any money until you hear them in your room, with your electronics, cables etc.My disl... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
James,I have contacted Dr. West of Soundlabs and am waiting for a reply.Also, I completely agree with your lack of enthusiasm regarding mix/match, presumably cones and mylar panels, being the weak point of that speaker.The Soundlabs I owned, the A... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
James63, I don't think that Electrostatics have an infinite life, but then neither do cone driven speakers in the absolute sense.That IS an excellent question and talking point though, so I'll get an answer for you asap, by going to the 'sources'.... 
Hi, need help with Snell Type a iii
Sure, any help I can give, I'm glad to oblige.Best,Larry 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
James,As a side note to the comment about Sound Labs...some people know this, others may not--Jim Thiel was actually a serious fan of Electrostatics--and once told me that he felt that that was the optimal way to build a speaker.Crossoverless in t... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Question re Bose 901...Amar Bose's basic theory in his design was predicated on the basic assumption that 89% of all sound is 'reflected'.He then designs a speaker which actually points direcly into the wall with 88.8% of it's drivers (call it 89 ... 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
Loomisjohnson,Polarizing, yet not 'ugly' as some threads can become.I find B&W's 'house sound', to be very colored, to the point of being annoying.Having designed speakers, I know that it's not that hard to eliminate such colorations...I can't... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Chatta,Thanks, did I mention that she's my ex wife? That makes it even 'nicer'.She is, after all a terrific person.Larry