
Responses from lrsky

Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Mapman..."Maybe there are others that can match teh sound quality taking a more budget oriented approach? It would surprise me if that were not the case, but I am not educated enough in this area to know if such an amp actually exists or not."The ... 
Vienna Acoustics sounded terrible at Magnolia
Vienna Acoustics are GOOD speakers...if the demo was poor, it wasn't the product, it was the demo.Wow...all the money manufacturers spend to get notoriety, ie, demos--and when the moment of truth arrives, the prospective buyer gets hit with poor s... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
One observation...When Elizabeth said, that the VAC is overpriced compared to the Chinese Tube gear...I find that to be a disconnect for me.That's kind of like saying...Mercedes/Jaguar is overpriced with the likes of Hyundai in the market.I've yet... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
My post and evaluation of VAC is more than confirmed with Dev's eloquent statement.I remember helping Craig Oxford (Owner of Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams) at the CES some years ago. He used Kevin's VAC in the smaller room with a pair of 18's.I w... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
This topic was probably a non starter.I was just thinking about Kevin the other day and kinda did a quick look at the preamp/amp topics, didn't see any VAC threads and I began wondering why.Tubegroover, I too have always considered VAC and certain... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Elizabeth,"It is IMO not worth the retail money it sold for.(Especially compared to the current swarm off low cost Chinese tube stuff coming in."Which brands and models are you saying that sound equal to or greater than VAC in performance, for les... 
LSA Statement Tube Rolling
Oly2040, sooner or later, the 'what if' bug will seize your conscious mind, your senses will fail, and you'll be on line buying 6dj8's from some guy who knows more about tubes than anyone has a right to.When that moment of incoherence hits, write ... 
New Oppo BDP-95 better than the McIntosh MVP-881?
How many of you have had experience with the modified Oppo Player?Larry 
Does a Class D amp match well with Thiel Speakers?
Snopro...A couple of responses ago I wrote:"Put me on the Spectron side of this answer.The 'only' issue is THIEL's propensity toward an analytical sound...usually ameliorated with tubes in the preamp stage...just sayin'."We're in total agreement.G... 
Does a Class D amp match well with Thiel Speakers?
Soundlock makes a good point.Jim Thiel, starting in 1988, while developing the CS5's discovered that, by using bass drivers that drop precipitously in resistance, that this had a side effect of pulling more current from the amplifier--acting 'almo... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Are audiophile speakers a turn on for single women...Not that I've noticed....Larry 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Best loudspeakers I've ever heard?Two come to mind as of this post.First, the Sound Labs A-1's which I owned.Second, The MBL big boys.The order is the order of memory not which was/is best...the MBL's win hands down, but at multiples the cost of t... 
Does a Class D amp match well with Thiel Speakers?
Again, you may consider a tube order to 'soften' the sound. The THIEL can be, depending on the other gear in the system, somewhat 'dry' sounding. Potato, potaaaato.I always preferred them with a tube somewhere.Kathy Gornik, (now owner of ... 
Does a Class D amp match well with Thiel Speakers?
Put me on the Spectron side of this answer.The 'only' issue is THIEL's propensity toward an analytical sound...usually ameliorated with tubes in the preamp stage...just sayin'.Good listening.Larry 
CJ preamp good match with Ayre amps?
My memory tells me that there is an input/output impedence mismatch. It's been a few years.Larry