
Responses from lrsky

If money were no object, what would be in your rig
MBL 101 Loudspeakers, most likely, their matching electronics...the Power Plant by PS Audio.Digital, most likely not the Exemplar, as 'cost no object' would render this unlikely--and I don't know what is out there in the cosmos.The room might be a... 
Spectral preamps
I'm not sure that Jegyed was being intentionally 'ascerbic', though it read that way.I too have been in that camp of folks who did NOT like the HF presentation of Spectral, thinking it really forward and bright sounding. This, to me, was a product... 
How close to the real thing?
One truly missing ingredient in the process is the recording/transfer equipment. Mic's are so variable, as to be frustrating, with some real improvements recently...then there's the question of 'how to position and place' performers.In an ideal wo... 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
Audiofeil,We all have an agenda, hell I started a company that I brag on, (at least brag shamelessly about the designs, lol) but this one does have a special feel. I'm glad you pointed it out.The central point of this thread I thought, was, 'to co... 
Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others
BTW,The Adcom 535 comment was made, not to make anyone think that this was in any way a good match, just that an adequate current amp can handle them. Of course the better you put with them...well, the sky was the limit.They were truly magical spe... 
Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others
Coyotesx5,I agree completely that Orion's or anyone's value of a product is at best 'iffy'.Utility is the only measure of a product's worth...using a little lattitude in it's definition as an economic term.From a purely 'musical or musical enjoyme... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Just a grammatic question...since when did we develop as an English speaking country, this confusion with the words, THAN and THEN?Example of correct usage."He is older THAN she."Incorrect usage." He is older THEN she."Is this difficult? Why do I ... 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
The 'facts' as you state them, were taken from their website. The pricing, unless it's changed since the date of my post should be correct.Regardless, of YOUR error in correcting me, I stand by my comment. A speaker that sells for about $14K, shou... 
SS integrated amp that has tube like qualities
Gryphon is a brand, while not that well known to the US, due to lack of distribution, which has an unmistakably 'musical' quality.Your description:"I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly li... 
Ellla for the Holiday
Any fan of Ella has MY attention and respect.Best,Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and Peace to all.Larry 
Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space
Mr_bill,Didn't see this question until just now...Yes, Kevin Hayes is the owner AND designer of Valve Amplification Company, VAC.He's a terrific designer, as well as a great human being.His equipment is terrifically musical AND neutral.If you have... 
Magnepan owners : past / present
Most of the comments here are 'variations on a theme' of the 'love it hate it' with Maggies.I PERSONALLY don't find them hard to drive, hence my agreement with the 'I'm using an old Pioneer receiver' comments which I agreed with, pointing out that... 
Magnepan owners : past / present
I'm not sure that I'd be comfortable stating, "This is because they very noticeably subtract low-level information; particularly dynamic shifts and harmonic decay."I would call the 'low level (information) resolution on the Magnepans first rate--n... 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
Geopolitis states..."The fact that no Tidal owners have post a comment about your question shows that none of them considers Thiel a competitive product to a Tidal. They belong in a totally different class."While this could be true, it should also... 
Review: VAC Phi Beta 110i
Ditto to all the above...PLUS Kevin Hayes is all about customer service--taking care of his customers.You don't have to worry about product issues...if you have any questions, he's available AND helpful.Great review for a great product.Larry