
Responses from lrsky

My speakers - weak link - proposals ?
The ONLY salient question here is:'What is it that YOU feel is missing?'Do the vocals make you have chill bumps? Does the emotion of a beautiful Alto Sax solo on a ballad, thrill you--does Chris Botti's rif's get you all charged up?What's missing ... 
Near Field listening
Cwlondon,No, why do you ask?Larry 
Near Field listening
Sorry Timtim, I HAVE to disagree.While in Nashville, a block from Music Row managing a store frequented by Nashville types, stars and engineers and producers...I had occassion to listen to studio monitors, and more important have many of those fol... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Recently, I listened to Carrie Underwood singing, "I Told You So", a song written in 1985 by Randy Travis. The words are so poignant...especially if you've lost a girlfriend/wife, been alone and wondered IF you made the right decision...WARNING!!!... 
Soundstage, Imaging, Detail & Presence??
Charles1dad,That sentence, beautifully constructed,"...the simple point is our ears are great and can perceive the many nuances and subtle characteristics in music that as of yet can`t be quantified with measurements." so true as to be the cr... 
Manufacurers I have known....
Thanks Rcprince and others for the kind words.For most of us interested in topics or industries, it's kinda fun to hear the 'inside'.I'm a big time basketball fan, UK of course as I grew up here. I read all I can, go to blog sites to discuss. In t... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
All things being equal, though they rarely ever are...mono blocks offer one important element--better channel separation.Crosstalk from channel to channel and suspect power supplies are the bane of some Stereo designs, hence 'we're dual mono desig... 
Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams
Darkmoebius,It's funny--one sale inspires another, then another--so much so that it's feast or famine. People, and rightfully so are cautious when multiple 'anythings' appear for sale...I think its only happenstance.The bulk of units, to my knowle... 
Manufacurers I have known....
Foster_9,I may have met him, (probably did) but don't remember any specifics. Trying to keep this to folks I've known really well. Of the people I was thinking about the night I wrote this, his name didn't come to mind.I too admired his work and f... 
Manufacurers I have known....
Funny Jim Thiel anecdote.It was the last day of the 1998 CES--things were winding down, we were all pretty tired, but nevertheless getting ready to tear down the room.In order to 'kill the corners' of the room, we'd rented Ficus trees, silk leaves... 
Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams
Philjolet,I would say that there is a real size differential in the sub diameter, versus the midrange diameters, therefore a possible speed issue...however.That, and they cross over at 60 Hz as I recall.Was it a perfect blend, NO, but in my opinio... 
Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams
Actually, Jflacken, I sold more pairs and spent more time with them than anyone I'm aware of.Back in 1999 thru 2001, when I was managing Nicholson's Hifi in Nashville, TN, I brought the line in from Craig Oxford who was the owner of Nearfield and ... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
What amplification for Sound Labs?I used the somewhat dry, but very, very quiet and seemingly distortionless Halcro. Then, the DK (later LSA) Integrated amp, which has 150 Watts and doubles into lower impedences.One of the reasons I bought the DK ... 
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist
Being the letch that I am, I can only say with regard to the best legs comment:If you go a bit north, to the mountainous region...Renee has MOST of the girls, uhhhh, 'topped' shall we say.Being a mountain rather than southern hemisphere guy...I'll... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
IMHO, anyone who says that the Sound Labs can sound 'flat' have:1) Never heard them 2) Never heard them set up correctly 3) Simply don't have ears which I would trust for opinions.The one's I owned, except when compared to the best MBL's set up wi...