
Responses from lrsky

mbl 101e vs 116f vs 111f
IMHO, Mac would NOT be a good match.As I've stated before, the Mac is rated into 4 ohms, which gives the impression of more power than it actually delivers. (Universally, mfgrs rate in to 8 ohms).I am not damning the Mac, I like it's basic sound, ... 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
This really IS an interesting question--one that very few people will probalbly agree on an answer to.Having been closely associated with the Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams, I'm hesitant to say that focus is 'better' with a single tweeter/line arr... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
James,When you decide to move on to a 'better speaker', you might consider the Sound Lab. They are really, really uncolored in their presentation. Fast as lightning, great bass and nowadays, great dynamic transfer.Definitely worth looking in to.Be... 
Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C1
These truly represent almost polar opposites in sound.The Plinius is a good to very good integrated amplifier. It's on the white/dry side of sound, accurate with good bass, lacking in the hashy upper mid that the Krell has, and more like, much mor... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The 'big boys', I don't remember the model numbers and am too lazy to look it up Tbg.All I know is, that the promise of 'live music' was as closely realized as I have ever experienced. Before, room, power, etc. all conspired to 'limit' the experie... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
What a fun thread...another song, which is basically a throwaway by most standards--perhaps it was a moment in other words my mood, hormones whatever...but the song was "Mr. Dyingly Sad" by the Critters.My wife found it on a website and ... 
Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?
Asktheaxis,It's not often that I read something written so succinctly and honestly, that I have to step back and reread it two times. THIS was such a comment. I too think that Rich Vandersteen has something magic here with this speaker. That midra... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Mapman,As usual, you've hit it right on...The MBL's because of the 360 degree dispersion is quite a bit trickier to set up--and the room becomes an increasingly greater part of the sound. But, yes, when right that 3D, soundstage with instruments l... 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
I note my answer back in '03, and, you're not the only one who considers B&W mid-fi.Actually, to me, it has several of the more annoying of colorations which disqualify them from being musically enjoyable, for my taste.Larry 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Tbg,Boy do I understand your're precisely where I was BEFORE I heard them set up, for a change, in a manner which showed of their charms.I'm thinking, taking a good friend to the 'great' restaurant, on an off night trying to explain ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Renee Olstead,Perhaps the greatest new talent in female jazz vocals I've heard.She's only 21, but her phrasing, vocal control, styling, all transcend her age.All I can say further is....WOW.Larry 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
Having had my head spun around by digital, both in the positive and negative sense since first having heard it, I'm ready to agree with the presumptive nature of the question, 'Are we at the 'End of Days' with regard to High End Digital...meaning ... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Ammending a previous post--which I've started to do many times, but just didn't bother...the very best speaker system I've heard, by a really wide margin is the MBL System.I'm extrapolating what I heard, from the big po (potential) that was there,... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
"I am enjoying them now and they sound great for the price I paid!"But do they sound 'great' emperically? When one equivocates based on 'price alone' I'm always wondering--at what point, 'one hundred', 'two hundred'dollars more, would they sound, ... 
Fried Monitor 7 Opinions
I've ALWAYS found the Frieds to be incredibly musical speakers. They'll probably have a little more of a British sound than the Vandersteens, with a tad bit more mid range, at least more 'forward' in the mids. But not at all unpleasant of a color....