
Responses from lrsky

Tyler Decades Not much press but how good?
My friend had a Berning Tube amp at the pre amp, just running I said it's been a couple of years back. He may have been using a pre, memory fades.Overall, the Berning, very well respected if not to my taste. That amp sounds u... 
Amp for Thiel 3.7s
Gryphon, if it's not cost prohibitive. Larry 
Tyler Decades Not much press but how good?
Samzx12,I should have kept my powder dry on this're right no doubt...they were from differing lines. However, that brings me to the core point I made before--which is to say that they're good value speakers, especially in light of being ... 
Tyler Decades Not much press but how good?
It's been long enough ago that I don't remember...they retailed at about $1200 and $1800. by memory...a friend purchased...asked for my opinion.Again, they're good speakers...and given that they're factory direct, reasonable values. The only thing... 
Tyler Decades Not much press but how good?
I agree, very nice guy to deal with...However, the two models I've been exposed to, didn't offer a consistency of sound...that being, 'Here's what I think an Alto Sax sounds like', or (insert instrument) a basic musical truth that one generally fi... 
Nearfield listening
Coffeey,I've been a proponent of 'nearfield listening' for about 30 years...not everyone will pay attention long enough to 'get it'...that being, eliminating room stuff till long after 'first arrival'...but nearfield is absolutely intoxicating.Als... 
Help in decision
Not doubting Meiwan, but that's very, very surprising to hear.I've owned more than one Arcam piece, and with 100% quality so far.Maybe it was a blip, a moment...Personally, I'd buy with confidence--not only in the QC, but the sound quality as well... 
High-end amplifier clarification?
I would say that amps purchased before marriage would be high end, after, mid to low fi.Larry 
mbl 101e vs 116f vs 111f
This is confusing AND frustrating.To say:"The MBL amps are definitely no slouch, and if money doesn't matter, go for it, but we didnt think they were worth the extra expense. We ended up powering the mbls with (dont laugh) crown reference I amps."... 
need cable advice, MBL + Bryston + ARC system
John Tucker of Exemplar has mono crystal wire, speaker and interconnect, which to me are very, very neutral.I'd at least contact him to see what he offers.Larry 
How do Dunlavys compared to new stuff?
One unresolved mystery to me was (I could be wrong on this, as rumors abound)that Mr. Dunlavy did not believe that speaker wire made a difference. This is not to imply that all wire that 'costs more' is better, but that wires that are well conceiv... 
Thiel CS3.7 and CS2.4 comparisons?
James,You might go to the Soundlabs site...they have a 'technology' section which gives the basics of electrostatics.It will show you more than you need to know. The proof is in the listening...magic they are.Larry 
$2500 speaker threshold
Robert and I were colleagues at the time he first published a 'Guide'...I tried to get Kathy Gornik to have this as a 'giveaway' in THIEL dealerships, as he used the THIEL's as his reference...that, and Robert's a REALLY GOOD GUY, and great listen... 
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay
Raz,To put things in a context that everyone can hopefully appreciate, I'll make a few comments then shut up.You say that, "I thought that physical time alignment happens when drivers physical location are aligned with each other..." or words to t... 
Weseixas,Surprised to hear you say that the 20.1's sound horrible.I'm thinking that when I've heard them, they're excellent.(In the limits of each audition experience).Horrible isn't something that described what I heard.What was it that you didn'...