
Responses from lrsky

Magnepan owners : past / present
Charles,I haven't kept up in recent months, (maybe years) with ALL of the Maggies.But I am pretty sure that virtually all the Maggies state a 4 ohm load (easily checked on their site).This has to do with the 'nature of the beast'. I believe, and t... 
Would you pay to listen?
"There's nothing like the smell of napalm in the morning."If one doesn't understand this comment, then one doesn't understand the 'lust' that hopeless audiophiles (like me) experience when seeing a pair of the big boy MBL's, the big boy Sound Labs... 
Magnepan owners : past / present
Plato,You've chosen your moniker wisely...come to think of it what less could we expect from a 'Plato''re a smart guy.The Maggies are a find for anyone, and for those who say they're hard to drive, just read his comments. They are an almost ... 
Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space
MBL and Sound Labs are two that, for my taste are undeniably layered, and textured. One person's layers and textures SHOULD BE everyones, but it's amazing to me how many times have I toured CES with someone else listening to loudspeakers only to s... 
How close to the real thing?
Irv,You can add MBL's to the 'live' category. Set up properly, a tough one, most shows don't allow for proper set ups for anyone, and a system as complex as the MBL's take time and space. BUT, when set up properly they're magic.On the Sound Labs, ... 
Transmission Line Bass
Csmgolf,See, your comments are very 'spot on' as to what I experienced. See Dodge, another, like it to offset. This is what's maddening.Larry 
Transmission Line Bass
Dodgealum,You do know I wasn't saying that emperically, you didn't reference live music, right? It's just that very few people really have that inner reference, and sonic memory. I liken it to perfect pitch, or relative pitch...rare and unusual ta... 
Transmission Line Bass
Dodgealum,Its tough for most people to separate what sounds correct, from what sounds like the thing that they're most used to hearing.While designing, a tragic error can be to use a previous model, OR another speaker as a reference--don't get me ... 
How close to the real thing?
Respectfully, I'm thinking that what you're hearing, Hifitime, is the lack of a tweeter blaring at you...with this obnoxious HF hash. My favorite saying is, 'The best tweeter I ever heard, I didn't.'It's true, very few loudspeakers capture the tru... 
How close to the real thing?
Essential,Don't argue with me, I put the consortium together for Von Schweikert--Oracle, PS Audio, Rives Audio, Acoustic Zen, VAC...altzheimers, a wonderful thing, helps me meet new people every day. It WAS probably 2004--somehow, since that was t... 
Transmission Line Bass
JohnK,You've stated the very thing that makes this whole debate an ongoing one...Just wondering, as a 50Hz tone is 25', how would that be possible? (To build a T Line as long as a bass wave). A 25Hz 50'...and so on. This is what Jim Thiel was refe... 
How close to the real thing?
Maineiac,That group was Misty River (buy their album, they're good).It was fun to have the girls show up each night at CES, play music and such.That was 2005 CES.Larry 
Transmission Line Bass
Unsound,You lost me, I had to reread my post...your talking about Jim Thiel's comments, right?He's not the only person to take exception to the efficacy of the TL in loudspeakers, as I understand it. (One reason for the post actually). Reading a b... 
How close to the real thing?
Assigning an actual percentage would be an exercise in intellectual futility and meaningless as nobody would's enough to say that I've not heard reproduced sound, sound anything like the real thing, EVER. Varying degrees of 'wow', but n... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
In my experience, women, either:a. Dislike audio b. Hate me...Probably the least that's where my head is right now.Larry