
Responses from lrsky

What does one purchase after owning horns?
Atmasphere,I told this story one other time, but some haven't read please bear with me.Jim Thiel, (yes, I'm summoning him again) one time showed me how he used to plot the frequency response of his prototypes, early on, before all the soph... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Mrdecibel,Yes--I was talking about the delusions we ALL SHARE in trying to believe that our systems sound like 'live' music.My point was, I like a flat frequency response and can't accept THAT as a flaw, and that horn lovers love the dynamic trans... 
Monitor speaker: Lsa1 statement or Usher Be-718
I misspoke...the Statements offer ribbon tweeters now. Initially, the drivers were identical--then after the discovery of a really good ribbon, they were changed in the Statements...sorry.This, did NOT, however, change the voicing, timbre.Good lis... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Lithojoe,I was too harsh--but to say categorically, 'You will...' left no wiggle room. I'm CERTAIN some have failed, I've personally never seen it--sevicing customers who owned them for YEARS.I'll apologize again for being abrupt. Elizabeth seems ... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Texas, I was simply giving my experience. It's like anything else...ymmv. However when Elizabeth said, 'You will'...I had a knee jerk...with me 'jerk' being the operative.I know the Maggies to be incredibly good and reliable.I really didn't take i... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage? are absolutely right.I thought that the subsequent explanation would ameliorate the harsh sound of that. Sorry.In my approximately 1/6th of a Century's experience with Magnepans, I found zero instances of failure of the glue which ... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Marty,Not only do we forgive you, (the headline reads as if it's a forum on soundstage) I personally agree with your comment 100%.MBL's are the Soundstage Champs...Good listening,Larry 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Reading the responses of 'horn lovers' as well as the technical side from Duke, makes me realize, or at least form an opinion of the tastes of some of those Horn Lovers.They share the common love of live music and unlike others, aren't really will... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Texas,You and Elizabeth should huddle together, start selling glue for Maggies.What I said, to repeat, is that, in my 15 years of selling them, AND servicing older pairs, that it happened, "NOT ONCE".I didn't say it couldn't happen. Elizabeth's po... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Elizabeth is WRONG.The issue of the glue which holds the Mylar and wires together is NOT one that any customer should worry about.Well, worry about that in equal amounts of the surrounds of the cone drivers rotting.I sold Maggies for 15 years--alo... 
Monitor speaker: Lsa1 statement or Usher Be-718
The 'house sound' is alive and well throughout the line.The Signature and Statements employ the same drivers as the standards, with the crossovers being the change, as well as being stuffed with natural wool instead of inexpensive poly/synthetic s... 
ESS and Heil air-motion tranformer - any thoughts?
To my ear, there was always a speed differential making for poor 'blending' of the woof--an annoying discontinuity.Good listening.Larry 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
I don't think I've done this before, but...I was commenting on another post and this seemed appropriate to this particular post. So I cut and pasted the last few sentences of that, as it relates to dynamics, horns etc. (I realized I write way too ... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Tbg, "I don't question that they have 'impressive' dynamics but not the speed of horns..." Sound Labs were about as fast as I've're saying that horns are faster?Just clarifying.I may need to look at horns very seriously.... 
Vandersteen 5A Speakers
Johnny,That's odd...not doubting your claim of 'middle' of the speakers, but most 'launch' charts are measured from the 'face' of the speaker.Example, the Essence 10's which were 'time alignable' with launch charts, a protractor and height/distanc...