

Responses from lousyreeds1

Norah Jones?
In the Yanni, John Tesch, Andre Rieu style. If that's your style, go with it. 
Could somebody please explain
The_smokester: I live in Berkeley! I'm out of the country until July 1 though. 
Somebody Help Convert me to tubes
Welcome to the world of tubes! Is there a budget?How about any of the Lamm pre's?Audio Aero Prima DAC? 
Could somebody please explain
The Smokester: If Bartok clears your friends out of the room, it might be time to seek some more sophisticated listening buddies! 
My Revel Studios...They're Gone...Help?
Well, if there's really no budget, take a look at Jtinn's Kharma Exquisite Midi's. 
Are "Redbook Only " CD players Obsolete?
The STRANGE uSe of CAPITAL letters tenDs to RuffLE MY fEAThers AS welL! 
getting more bass out of meadowlarks
Turn them upsidedown! The bass port will be right at ear level. :) 
Are "Redbook Only " CD players Obsolete?
I'd rather listen to redbook through my $1k Audio Refinement than to SACD through the $2k Marantz any day!I've heard the DV 9500. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Your statement that the Marantz can play redbook CD better than most player... 
How good is the Lector CD player?
Fava beans... 
Why I love analog, part II
Elgordo: if you change "was seducing" to "seduced" you'll have the iambic pentameter/limerick thing going. 
Why I love analog, part II
Pbb: "For obvious reasons, merely going back in recorded history one can't help but arriving at an analog only world." That's exactly the point. 
Why I love analog, part II
Pbb, I was just trying to frame the experience in reference to a hysterical thread from a few weeks ago that I thought would catch people's eyes. You're absolutely right, the point is that you don't need perfect gear to enjoy music to the max. The... 
Why I love analog, part II
You guessed it Frogman, I'm a clarinetist. I concur with all the above recommendations. Until yesterday, I would have picked Leister for soul and Marcellus for a perfect technical performance. Add Sabine Meyer in for good measure. Now, my favorite... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Scotty333: "Its strengths are WAY beyond 'subjectively' better......IMO!!!" hehehehehe 
Report from Bristol Audio Show
Wow, lousyreeds1, what a great report! We at Audiogon love you very much. Your writing exudes such beauty, such precisio n. You should be nominated for a Pulitzer!