

Responses from lousyreeds1

Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
The SR17 is in the third generation, which has absolutely nothing to do with the older generations. 2nd gen SR17s shouldn't be used as a point of comparison. 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
In terms of amps and Silverline speakers: I'm getting great results from using a hybrid intergrated with a tubed pre and SS amp. Silverline does 'like tubes', but it also benefits from amps that control the bass well. Not that these two things are... 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
Marco: believe me, I was just as surprised as you are! I went in to the dealer ready to love and buy the SR17s. I heard the SR17s, and the dealer said 'wait one sec'. He put the SR15s up, same room, electronics, etc, and they really were markedly ... 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
As good as the SR17s are, I really recommend listening to the SR15s as well. To my ears, they are much better speakers all around. Waaay more PRAT, and a clearer midrange. Granted, many prefer the SR17s, but it really is worth giving the 15s a sho... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Let me be very clear that I agree with the sentiment that there's a whole lot of crap floating around out there that, as Newbee says, shouldn't have seen the light of day. But let's also keep in mind that every period of classical music, of any mu... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Indeed, the new piece always comes first, usually for exactly the reason you specify. The idea is that people generally aren't open to new things, and sometimes you have to give them a bit of incentive to stay. Sometimes the audience is glad they ... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Of course it'll be a financial disaster. We know it. They know it. But Levine realizes that he, as someone in a position of great power in the classical music world, has to be an advocate of new music. Orchestras need to make enough money to stay ... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Eldartford: Check out "Twentieth Century Music" by Eric Salzman. Perhaps a good place to start... Tell us what you think, I'm very interested to know. It might bore you to tears, but give it a shot if you have some spare time.It's true that disson... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Eldartford: Even if you're not interested in the music itself, I think reading one of the great many books written on the subject might be useful if you're curious (intrigued, curious, whatever you want to call it). You're talking about random ass... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Marakentz- There are some who say that music, as well as most art forms, has entered a period of post-modernism. That is to say, it is 'beyond history', not a step in some 'natural progression' from the 18th century to now and beyond. I think I ag... 
Best recording / performance Dvorak Cello conc.
I like the YoYo Ma one with the NY Phil under Mehta (I think it's Mehta), but I know for a fact that there are other great ones out there. Personally, I wouldn't mind owning three or four different interpretations of that one. I think Casals, Rost... 
Why one side is very much louder than the other si
Maybe this is a stupid question, but have you tried multiple records? Perhaps your listening to something with a crappy stereo pan. 
no bass after 6 month non-use
I'm not gonna lie guys, I did make some positioning changes. The difference is so drastic that I figured it couldn't be a just a positioning issue, but as with most things, it appears that I might be wrong! I'll get back to you when I've messed ar... 
nice turntable that plays 78s
Hi again Albert,Thanks for the link, my feeble mind is beginning to catch up now! I'm definitely considering buying the plinth that's on the 'Gon right now. Looks to be exactly what I need... 
nice turntable that plays 78s
Hi john, thanks for the info. I'm very interested but still a bit confused. I don't quite understand what the 'Lenco project' is. I see the plinth available for sale but what else would be necessary if I bought that?Thanks!