

Responses from lousyreeds1

Payment options for purchases
Really? I feel way more comfortable using my credit card than sending money orders. 
ebay vs audiogon
Hey Bigjoe, thanks for the clarification, I appreciate it! Looks like you and I both have been scammed a couple of times, and we're both after the same solution. Here's to the betterment of the online community! 
Are you/or do you want involvement in a audio club
Hi Stevecham, I'd love to get a little East Bay thing going, but I'm only around during the summer. I'm in Berkeley. 
ebay vs audiogon
Bigjoe: It's true, paypal ain't perfect. It's risky both ways. Sometimes chargebacks made by malicious buyers go through and screw the seller. Sometimes chargebacks get refused by paypal when the seller really did scam the buyer.That said, it's a ... 
Audio Aero prima vs Musical Fidelity 308 cdp
I've heard both of these. They're completely different, essentially in the ways that SS and tubes are generally different. It really depends what the rest of your system is, and what your musical tastes are. 
Audiophile Music Cd's besides Baby Einstein?
I don't have any reccomendations for you, but that's very, very sweet! Good luck with the little one, and make sure he doesn't poke your tweeter. 
Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it
Krell and Audio Aero are at the two opposite ends of the audio spectrum. The Audio Aero is a hybrid tube amp, and the Krell is pure solid state. It really depends what you're looking for.The Audio Aero's SN ratio isn't that high. But it doesn't bo... 
I'm loooking for this system...
Is that $12,000 new or used?How about something from Von Schwiekert? Or if you like the looks, the Maggie 3.6? 
Sound quality of Magneplanar MC1 wall speaker
I've heard these with a modded Jolida 707A on a wall, with a sub. By far the best "wall" sound I've ever heard, and rivals a few good normal setups out there! This is the one if you really can't have a normal speaker system. 
Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll
I generally asked to use paypal and I have no problem paying the fees. If I ask for paypal, it's my responsibility when using that service to deliver the -actual- amount of money agreed on. BUT! Some people have started charging more than the 2.9%... 
Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?
Thanks very much for the info, Howard! I'll do a lengthy write-up of the show if there's anything I hear that really interests me. This is a bit more mainstream than the stereophile shows usually are. Whole lotta home theater and crappy solid stat... 
Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?
Hi Howard, indeed, I've done quite a bit of research on these since you first taught be about SET last year. I contacted Alan Yun at Silverline, (I have the SR15's) and he told me that at 90dB efficiency 3.5 watts would be pushing it. Though if I ... 
Has any heard of rawshipping.com?
If it sounds too good to be true, it is!Bigjoe, I don't think escrow is a bad way to go. Just make sure to use escrow.com! 
Ravel Violin Sonata
I'd love to hear Shaham play this. Do you know who the pianist is? 
Ravel Violin Sonata
This is Anne Akiko Meyers, violin and Li Jian, piano.