

Responses from lousyreeds1

Best full orchestra recordings?
Jduridan, I couldn't agree more. That is a truly fantastic CD both in terms of sonics and interpretation. 
JmLab 716S
You might get as much if not better bang for your buck with a great integrated. How about a used BAT VX-300x? It's a great little piece, and will most certainly "max out" the potential of your JMs. In fact, I'd be interested to know why you've cho... 
Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs
What size room are we talking about here? What speakers are you using now? 
cdp digital volume control or preamp?
That's an excellent point. Is it passive or active? 
What age did the "audio bug" hit you?
Well, I remember dancing around to Paul Simon's Graceland and the West Side Story soundtrack when I was around 6. That was 15 years ago... My family owns a furniture store, and there's a high end audio place nearby. The guy who owns it wanted to d... 
HELP Turning off the Left Brain
Nebee's right on here, you may be bored with your music collection. Do you have a tuner? Listening to the radio can be a great way to experience new music. What kinds of music do you listen to? Maybe we could all give you some recs for favorite pi... 
PS Audio Prelude power cord.
Hmm...If you bought it new and recently I would check back in with the dealer. He should let you exchange it for something else. If you go with the Shunyata line, I would recommend skipping the diamondback for something higher, like the copperhead... 
cdp digital volume control or preamp?
Great news, congrats! Did you ever dally in adding an outboard volume control? 
general query about cables on Agon
Xenithon: good point, I hadn't thought of that. Though it seems like those people should somehow be designated as dealers, even if unofficial. 
general query about cables on Agon
If they're are authorized dealer, shouldn't have a commercial account and announce themselves as such?Anyway, a round of emails confirmed some sketchiness in this particular situation, so I won't be buying this time! 
general query about cables on Agon
Indeed, the "make their own" crowd is what I'm worried about here. I'm looking at Shunyata, and I figure that's ripe for the pickin', about as "name brand" as you can get. Someone who's feedback is all for cable sales, only sells never buys, and h... 
Mini monitors for vinyl....
You might be able to find a pair of Silverline SR11's for around $600. Damn good speakers. Fairly neutral, but a bit on the romantic side. 
transparency vs. detailed
"most people seem to think that a detailed amp with a detailed speaker will not work"I'm not sure that's true. I'd say that most people look for as much of this attribute as they can get, as long as there are no tradeoffs involved. Of course, ther... 
Anyone talked to Dean from PSE?
Has anyone noticed how common threads like this have been in the last few months? What the heck is going on with these manufacturers/importers/etc? Yeesh! 
Anyone a Classics 78 Expert Who Can Help Me?
Hi there,One of my professors is -the- world expert on the history of the recording industry, and I can run these by him if you'd like. Give me a few days though! What are you using to play them?