

Responses from lousyreeds1

Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Has -he- ever done a double blind test? That might be a good place to start. 
Need Help Choosing New Speakers
There's no comparison between JM and B&W in this price range. JM takes the cake in every area. 
Tubed Integrated/$1500/New or Used
Indeed, I have heard a modified Jolida 707A. It was fantastic. The largest Jolida dealer in the country is near me, and the 707A was apparently created with much input from him. He has his own set of mods he does on it (not sure what) that bring i... 
"It doesn't impress you at first..."
Awesome responses guys, thanks. We all have our own perception of what "live music" sounds like, given our different concert-going experiences, our own experiences as musicians, or just differences in our ears. But can't you tell quickly when a sy... 
A possible upgrade to JM Lab Electra 926s-advice?
JM says that all its speakers should sound the same within a product line, but that each successively larger room needs a successively larger model. They actually give optimal room dimensions on the website. Has it been anyone's experiences that t... 
speaker grilles
Mine does. :) 
Best monitors under $5,000/system combos
I think there's a bit of confusion: are you looking to spend $5000 on the speakers alone, or the whole system? 
speaker grilles
I was told by my dealer that JM Lab voices all its speakers for use with the grill on. In practice though, when I took the grills off, the sound opened up, detail improved, and the soundstage widened by about 6 feet! So I don't buy that claim.I th... 
strange hiss problem
Hi Golden ears, thanks for the advice. The audio refinement only has single-ended (rca) outs, nothing balanced. I'm afraid I can't put in iinto a different syxtem at the moment :( Though I did try a sony cdp in there, and it fixed the problem. $75... 
Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it
Hi Eldelucesol, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty sure the Mullard that I put in there was gold pin. Also, I haven't done any mods on the amp, and I noticed that there are already Kimber Kaps installed. Could they have added that in a later produc... 
Power Up the System - What Do You Do?
Also: I make sure my integrated is muted when I turn it on/off. 
Power Up the System - What Do You Do?
sd2005gt: I'm not totally sure, but I don't think that's a good idea. It seems like connecting the speaker cables when everything's on could cause some serious pops, etc.I think the classic way is to power up the front end, then the preamp, then t... 
Couples therapy on the DK Design website
Now that's a great point. My uncle told me about that the other week. Oy.It may turn out that they're just having a little fun. If so, my apologies for not having a sense of humor. But if it's satire, it's very thickly veiled. 
$2000 budget -- what to buy?
What he ends up with could depend very heavily on where you go looking and what's available. Where do you live? 
Acarian - Alon IV vs. Alon V mkII
We use Alon IV's in the studio, in a small room, and they sound spectacular. Granted, we have thousands of $$ of acoustical treatments going on.