

Responses from lousyreeds1

Has any heard of rawshipping.com?
This is -not- a good idea. There are fradulent escrow sights out there, and to be honest, this looks like one of them. Look at their "how it works" section. It's simplistic and grammatically incorrect. I know that doesn't seem significant, but it'... 
Pat Metheny - One Quiet Night
I love Pat Metheny. You might consider buying his recording of Steve Reich's Electric Counterpoint. One of my all time favorites. 
Gidon Kremer and Schnittke
I absolutely adore Schnittke, and this is the first mention of him, or any other contemporary composer, that I've seen on audiogon. I'm so happy! Has anyone heard the Kronos playing his string quartets? It's a truly amazing experience. One of my f... 
2nd system dedicated cdp: $500 Build quality a +
I have the Audio Refinement Complete Alpha, and it's great. It doesn't way 50 lbs, but the build is designed to remove as much jitter and noise as possible. It's very important to discern between the Alpha and non Alpha versions. The Alpha is much... 
MF CD/Pre & Tri Vista DAC
Hi Samson, the CD/Pre is a good value at around $1200 used, but it really lacks the musicality that the trivista DAC will bring. Let me say that I'm not really a fan of either of these, but among them I think the trivista is a higher quality piece. 
solid state gear- leave on?
Oakiris: the act of turning your computer on will suck up a heck of a lot more power than leaving it in sleep mode for an hour or two will. 
How Screwed Am I?
My last post: in other words, I agree with Pabelson.The "you are there" sensation that home theater is supposed to provide comes from the quality and setup of the equipment, not the number of speakers. A good 2-channel setup will send shivers down... 
How Screwed Am I?
One thing about home theater: concentrate on making it sound -good- first, and concentrate on making it come from all directions later. You will be much happier putting your money into a nice 2-channel setup, then adding the other channels later a... 
Speakers for Lamm ML2.1
If you search around for what people have said about the ML2.1's, you'll find that they can drive any fairly high sensitivity speaker to loud listening levels with little distortion. From what I've read, anything above about 90dB would probably wo... 
What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?
The problem with listening to classical music only on digital is that soooo many of the greatest interpretations/performances in history are only available on vinyl. 
Jolida JD-100A vs. Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000
I don't think you can go wrong with either of those players at the price point. And as you mention, you can upgrade either until the cows come home. Also, they sell so often on the used market that, if finances permit, you could by both used and s... 
Where has the respect gone?
Kumbaya, my lord...Kumbayaaaaa. Kumbaya, my lord, Kumbayaaaaaaa. 
Where has the respect gone?
Hi guys,Well, it was suggested above that people politely call out those who are being needlessly rude. So I did, and boy did it backfire. All sorts of accusations from the other end. In retrospect, it seems like the best thing would have been to ... 
What about a product can irritate you?
Indeed, markphd. In fact I'm quite fed up with the lack of standardization for cables/terminals in general. It's not fun when you can't get your dream system to connect! 
Uploading photos
It's possible that the resolution of your picture is too high. That's not necessarily dependent on the size of the photo itself. You might be able to change that on your camera, or there might be a way to do it on the computer.