
Responses from lewm

Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
tzh, I would have thought that the Cardas cables would somewhat mitigate any tendency for the Lyra(s) to sound "clinical".  Cardas ICs and speaker cables tend to the Benz view of things, in my own experience on my system.  For me also, however, th... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Those of you who live in Europe might consult "Thuchan", who posts here from time to time.  He evidently found a genius somewhere near where he lives (Bavaria?) who has a comprehensive understanding of this circuit and was able to repair Thuchan's... 
Fidelity Research FR-64x
And copper oxide is a poor conductor.  Whereas silver oxide conducts about as well as pure silver. 
Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
In my mind, the Benz cartridges and most any Lyra cartridge are polar opposites, in terms of the words I might use to characterize the two brands.  This is not to say that you can't like both.  I find both to be too "biased" (for want of a better ... 
Moving coil and Moving magnet really the same for my cartridge?
According to Jolida, the JD9 II phono stage provides 60 db of gain for 5mV input via the MM section, 75 db or 85 db, respectively, via the MC low and high gain sections, for lower input voltages. (I looked but could not find any data for the model... 
Moving coil and Moving magnet really the same for my cartridge?
Raul, Hana SH is a HOMC cartridge. I doubt it has enough voltage output to drive an MM stage, but it might; we need more data for both the cartridge and the phono stage, don't you think? 
TECHNICS 100th Anniversary 2018 Premium Turntables. Their best ever.
This thread started out being about the 10R.  What’s happened is that Technics is being berated for the cosmetics of the SL1200G and for the fact that the 1200G may not (or may) be superior to some megabuck belt-drive turntables.  That’s not quite... 
Moving coil and Moving magnet really the same for my cartridge?
No, because you likely wouldn’t have enough gain.  But without any actual data, even the name of your phono stage, it is impossible to say for sure.  Most likely the low setting of your MC inputs is affording significantly more gain than do the MM... 
Audio Craft AC-4400 and related AC tonearms
I've been listening to an acutex LPM320 (compliance 42!!!) in my 64s with a Dynavector head shell which is lighter than typical FR headshells. It's a great match, contrary to expectations.FR tonearms bear a sticker on the arm wand that says, "silv... 
Audio Craft AC-4400 and related AC tonearms
What is compliance of 7f cartridge? The fx tonearms are indeed lower in mass than are the s tonearms but that's like saying your friend has lost 100 lbs and now weighs "only" 300 lbs. ( the s tonearms especially the 66s are very high in effective ... 
TECHNICS 100th Anniversary 2018 Premium Turntables. Their best ever.
I doubt you guys are going to reach a consensus but my own opinion is this: to reach the level of performance afforded by the best vintage DD turntables after restoration, possible re-plinthing, and calibration of the drive system, you have to spe... 
Audio Craft AC-4400 and related AC tonearms
64fx or 66fx have lower effective mass than 64s or 66s, respectively. I think they are indeed made of aluminum . Otherwise, they appear to be identical to the s versions. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I think the point of this thread, most of all, is that we don't have to give up on our vintage DD turntables purely for reasons of their having aged into obsolescence and unrepairability.  In general, they can be brought up to date functionally, a... 
Is a SUT needed?
Dear Raul, I submit that it's impossible to know for sure that your phono is within .012 db of perfect RIAA, because there's no way to measure that accurately. I'm sure it's as perfect as you can make it, however. 
Audio Craft AC-4400 and related AC tonearms
Thanks, invictus. I never appreciated the obvious similarity between the graham design and audiocraft tonearms. Seems the latter are quite advanced.