Responses from lewm
Recent retip(canti also) Dude where did my soundstage width go fourwinds, Just to clarify, azimuth is NOT about channel balance. It is about crosstalk, the degree to which L channel information leaks into the R channel, and vice-versa. This phenomenon has a lot to do with the illusion of stage width that t... | |
Recent retip(canti also) Dude where did my soundstage width go Azimuth? Azimuth affects channel separation. | |
Phono stage It's always the case that when someone like yourself posts a list of choices, the recommendations that follow will name components not on the list. But in this case, I agree with the suggestions. If you were to choose among the Allnic H1201, the... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? So surprised to learn here that you love SME turntables, Invictus. Not. Will the SME 20 also take out my appendix? Can I go to it for advice on investments? Does it do dishes? I figured your posting here on a belt-drive turntable must be your ... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? I think we've had this discussion of switching PSs before on this thread, but maybe not. Anyway, at that time I also pointed out that David Berning, the designer of Berning amplification products, has been using switching power supplies at least ... | |
I'd like to hear recommendations for Turntables under $5,000 Nandric, I am sorry that you mistook my estimate of the market value for the Kenwood L07D as an offer to sell at that price. However, if you outlive me, you are welcome to petition my wife for the right to purchase mine, provided I have not figur... | |
I'd like to hear recommendations for Turntables under $5,000 Although you didn't explicitly say so, it sounds like you're looking for another BD, like your Thorens or like the VPI turntables you named. There's nothing wrong with that. | |
I'd like to hear recommendations for Turntables under $5,000 I don't think one should put the DD candidates in the same basket with the BD candidates, but I do think one can buy a superb turntable for under $5000, if one is willing to buy a used or refurbished unit. Or any one of the current production tur... | |
SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!! I Googled "Ikeda IT-VTA06", and lo and behold....https://www.ebay.com/itm/IKEDA-TONEARM-HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE-ARM-ELEVATION-SYSTEM-IT-VTA-06/123028219595...A mere $2300!!! On eBay of course. I'll be content with my $500 "copy". | |
SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!! Dear Jonathan,Thanks very much for that URL. I was totally unaware of that product. My first reaction is to note how exactly the Ikeda "B60" resembles my own reproduction of the FR B60. It's deja vu all over again.I cannot decipher the Japanese... | |
SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!! There is a huge ethical difference between making a replica of a tonearm that is still available from the manufacturer/inventor and then selling it under the pretense that it is a bona fide original and the making and marketing of a reproduction o... | |
Kickstarter for all analog "No Filter" Signed up for an LP. | |
Any Members Tried the Audio Interface CST-80 SUT? I've always wondered why manufacturers of SUTs use a resistance/impedance measurement (ohms) as a way of communicating the specifications of their products. (Not all of them do it, but too many do.) It's not very informative for the un-initiated. | |
SAT 30K+$$ TONEARM: W O R T H T O H A V E I T ? cleeds, I agree with your citation of "underslung" or "underhung" tonearms as an example of why tracking angle error may not be such a big deal in determining the "distortion" produced during vinyl reproduction. Because you're quite right, such t... | |
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges? The 320 in all its variations was/is an induced magnet type. If memory serves me, the 400 series (including the 420) were conventional MMs. Probably different from the 300 series in sonic character. |