

Responses from larsman

Best combo for sound and picture quality in a Blu-ray player?
Have you considered getting a disc transport and using a separate DAC?   
MoFi controversy
I don't care one way or the other, but I thought the main point of this MoFi controversy wasn't so much the sound - a lot of these vinyl guys are saying the sound is excellent on a lot of these - but that they are paying large amounts of money for... 
Shave your CDs
Will an electric razor work? 🤣  
Shakti Stone
@czarivey + 1 - I'm a Grandaddy Purp man myself!   
What's going on with the used audio gear market?
@ghasley + 1  
Busted! Reviewer copies manufacturers sales page in review?
One person's 'best' can be somebody else's 'worst', so that audio mags should still be worthless with totally subjective 'best' v 'worst' comparisons, unless you're talking purely about measurements.   
Perspective system advise needed.
Room correction is certainly something to look into, even if it's just hanging some sound-absorbing items on the walls to cut down on sound reflecting all over...   
Best Stereo Upgrade Value
I'd take a good look at room treatment, if necessary....   
Busted! Reviewer copies manufacturers sales page in review?
I'll sometimes look at reviews in these publications as just one of a great many sources of info I go to when researching for something new. I'll take any one thing or opinion with a grain of salt, as I look for some kind of general consensus.   
Can't remember the name of a band.
@bdp24 - But it's cool to be uncool!! 😄   
How did 70s rock music transition into 80s music?
@bdp24 - being a power-pop fan, I saw The Beat several times - great stuff! I liked The Beat from England, too!   
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change
Seems to me like the main reason is how much disposable money you've got and what your priorities are. When I was in my 20's and 30's, I was quite happy to 'make do' with the sound system I had, and concerned myself purely with the music itself.    
Best new audiophile rock album
@baylinor - I totally agree with him about pop music, and he's got great taste in that and a lot of different genres. At one show, he was telling us about his love of 'shoegaze', which is one of my favorite post-punk genres as well. Have you read ... 
My Major System Upgrades in 2022 and Impact of Each
How is your listening room, as the room itself often plays the most significant part of the sound experience? The same gear can sound SOOO different in different listening spaces....   
What's going on with the used audio gear market?
@hilde45 + 1