

Responses from larsman

Why does rock concert sound suck?
I was once at a concert by the Cars, on the Panorama tour, and of all bands, this was one of the loudest I'd ever heard - the PA was blowing the hair on my head and punching me in the gut and blasting my ears!! Yes, Grand Funk did that once to me ... 
Best music in 2022
Kristeen Young - 'The Beauty Shop'....   
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
@16f4 - Where in MD are they from? I'm asking because I'm originally from Silver Spring....   
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
@bdp24 - Hah! You are right - I am not a musician, though I am teaching myself piano these days. But I think that matters not a jot! And it would serve no purpose listening to Dylan and the Dead after Dylan and the Band, as I would have zero expe... 
Why does rock concert sound suck?
Probably because it doesn't always suck. I've been to hundreds of rock concerts and some have had absolutely pristine sound, like hearing it on a great hi-fi system. And sure, plenty sound horrible, too. Venue, sound crew, lots of reasons...   
Apples and oranges
Yep, those online audiophiles just PERSIST in talking about audio - go figure!! 🤣    
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
You make it sound like the Grateful Dead were just hired hands trying their best to do what Dylan wanted them to; these were collaborations - the Grateful Dead had been doing Dylan covers at just about every show through the 80's and 90's - they k... 
Steely Dan Catalog on UHQR Vinyl
Are those UHQR records the ones that cost $150 or something?   
What Gear is Universally Adored?
@holmz - totally agree with you about 'World Series', when the only teams that can compete are US and Canadian, and for a long time, only US. I'm a Yank and I always thought that name was ridiculous. The World Cup, on the other hand, involves the ... 
What Gear is Universally Adored?
I had both a DAVE and an M-Scaler and I sold them both. Something about the Chord sound just doesn't do it for me, so I guess it's not 'universal'!  @yogiboy - you should see some of the McIntosh threads - some people just hate the brand and cons... 
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
@bdp24 - a totally awesome track is 'Moon Tune' off of one Nick Gravenites album, forget which one, with some of Bloomfield's best playing I've heard.   
Equi=Core 1000
@dpop - Oh, it came through - I got your point. I was just suggesting you might want to contact Walter at Underwood Hi-Fi, as I believe they are the only distributor of these, and he can probably tell you about what's going on with the naming and ... 
Equi=Core 1000
@stevebohnii - the only other power conditioner I've tried is one I got for a few hundred dollars from Amazon. I wouldn't have even bothered with a power conditioner except for that amp with the unacceptable noise floor, as I've never had any audi... 
Equi=Core 1000
@dpop - go to the website for Underwood Hi-Fi and you should be able to read all about Equi=Core and Deep=Core....  
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
... and the opinions of edcyn, boxcarman, and tonix are every bit as valid as the opinions of any of those others listed. Can't tell somebody they're wrong if they don't happen to like something that you do. I don't like jazz (for one example) - ...