

Responses from larsman

Weird and funny songs
BTW, Jello Biafra from the Dead Kennedys did a great cover of 'They're Coming To Take Me Away'.....  
Weird and funny songs
I could list hundreds (but I'm not gonna start! 😁) - novelty songs have been around for many, many decades...   
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
Promoting DIY is great, but please try to understand that some people (me being one of them!) just do not like DIY/building things and that does not make us wrong, just different. What's right for one person is not necessarily right for everybody.  
Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding
@holmz - 🤣  
Hot Rats
@nonayerbiz - thanks for that info!  
Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding
The Kate Bush song is called 'Wuthering Heights'.....   
Why does rock concert sound suck?
@booman - Porcupine Tree was just here in San Francisco on Wednesday night; a bunch of my friends went but I didn't, as I'm still not going to concerts this year for health reasons. I've seen P.T. and S.W. every other time they've come to town, th... 
Why does rock concert sound suck?
@jji666 - I got to see U2 play two shows in one night in a club in San Francisco in 1979! They were indeed a cool indie band back then, though 'indie' wasn't used then.  Where was that Killing Joke gig? Most shows I've been at over the decades ha... 
What was the last CD you bought (Name, and year issued)?
@thepigdog - Love the Sadies 'Colder Streams' - so sad about Dallas Good, but he left us with a really strong, rockin' album.....  
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
It used to be really slow for me too, but it's been mostly OK over the past 6 months or so....  
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
@bdp24 + 1 - and of course Dave also had his Rockfield Studio in Wales where a great many bands over the decades went to record...   
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
@reubent - Thank you for that.... I was just interested in the Maryland connection, though; always interested in what's come out of my state of origin!   
Why does rock concert sound suck?
@barts + 1 - Yeah, I saw/heard that 'Wall of Sound' a couple of times, and Owsley was doing their sound from before that, almost as far back as their beginning. He was brilliant, and the Grateful Dead live sound quality continued on well past Owsl... 
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
Also about Dave, I liked how a couple of my favorite artists gave Dave songs they'd not recorded that I think rank right up there with their very best; 'Crawlin' Through the Wreckage' by Graham Parker and 'Girls Talk' by Elvis Costello...   
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
@bdp24 - Yeah, Dave Edmunds is great - my first exposure to him was 'Saber Dance' - my favorite of his is 'Repeat When Necessary', but they're all good. I loved seeing him with Rockpile, which I did a number of times. Last time I saw him must hav...