

Responses from larsman

Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
The whole point was charging people high prices for something they were misled into thinking they were getting, but actually were not. Not about sound quality, it's about getting what you are paying premium prices for.   
Hidden Gems in Classic Rock Albums
@slantgut + 1 - recently got the box set of Electric Ladyland; I don't think I'd heard it since the early 70's, and I forgot how awesome that song (1983) was; Jimi's take on prog (before there was prog?)... That whole album is a masterwork.   
45 Singles You Just Had to Buy
How many versions/mixes were there of 'Battle of New Orleans' (always one of my favorites, along with 'Sink the Bismark' and 'North To Alaska')?   
Hearing Aids in 2023 .. Questions
$8000 - $12,000??? I don't know where Jerry gets his hearing aids but I've been getting flagship model hearing aids for 20 years, most recently about 3 years ago, and the most I've paid for them for was $6000/pair.   
Hearing Aids in 2023 .. Questions
I've been wearing hearing aids for over 20 years, and in my experience, the best quality ones sound the best for music or anything else; hearing aids are programmable, so you can have them set at one setting/curve if you're going to be at a dinner... 
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
@robertgagnon - Happy to help provide some enlightenment, Robert - I don't get many chances to do that! 🤣  
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
@robertgagnon - you might want to check out who most contemporary pop artists are today and who their audiences primarily are...   
Top two most important sound qualities
Indeed - the best you can possibly get is what the producer and other tech people can put on the source. And of course the 'source' can sound very different even in the same venue and performance depending on where you are. But yeah, that's great ... 
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
@tylermunns + 1  
Top two most important sound qualities
'Realism' would never work for me as there's no way I can fool myself into thinking my living room is the venue for a Metallica concert. If I'm enjoying the sound, it's all good and I don't worry about all these characteristics.   
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
@surfcat + 1  
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
@hilde45 + 1  
Listening to music with loud feedback as a tinnitus sufferer
I have a hisssssy tinnitus that plays in the background; sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. But I've had this for so long now that I'm used to it and generally don't even notice.   
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
All hi-fi audio sounds in the world hurt ears of non-audiophiles (wives and men). It is painful to them that they can’t hear more that few minutes.  Not sure I agree with this....  
Does streaming music equate to high concert ticket prices
@edcyn - I was in record retail (but not Tower) and wholesale between 1974 - 1984, and yes, that was my experience, too. I didn't get much pay, but I sure got a lot of free albums, tickets, parties, etc etc. I worked at one store in '74 where we h...