

Responses from kotta

totem arro or rainmaker or von schweikert vr1
I've auditioned the "Rainmakers" and the VR-1's. Between the two, I prefer the VR-1. The Arro's are so small and narrow I'd worry they would tip over. If it was me, I'd buy a used Arcam int. amp or an older Sony (80's) rec./int.amp. The NAD is OK ... 
I know I have lost my mind and have gone insane
It will all go back as it was in 3-days. Only kidding. (Maybe?) Once something starts really good I leave things alone. It's amazing how moving cords/IC's around can sometimes have profound effects on the sound. All is well. You're fine. 
Have Pre/Power amps had there day?
I've went w/ int. amps in order to save space. But, the finest sounding systems that I own are power/pre-amp combinations. In many cases the int. amps have costed more $. Personally I don't believe I'll ever spend big $ for an int. amp. 
no bass after 6 month non-use
I've found that after moving spk. cables around they need a certain period of time for the bass/fullness to return. Strange. Also, any other wire/circuit might require a certain play time. 
Spade on spade or banana and spade?
Another possibility. Take a peak behind your binding posts to see how they are connected. You might be able to double-up on one binding post there. I have found that any connector will degrade the sound. I'll also read the same wire should be used... 
Need Help With a Bright System
I'm not all that sure tube equipment will be your answer. I wouldn't worry about topology (tube/SS) so much as quality. You need something more refined than the NAD you are presently using. I suggest a "band-aid" fix until you upgrade your eletron... 
VR-1 vs Quad 12L??
I haven't auditioned the Quad's but I have auditioned the VR 1's w/my Arcam 10p amp and Nakamichi CA-5 pr-amp. Room is aproximately 12x14'w/8' ceilings. These spks. sound fantastic. Perfect for the room and my tastes. (Ordering a pr. very shortly!... 
Need Help With a Bright System
Try positioning your spks. in various ways, toe in/out, distance from back wall, distances, etc. Make sure your spks. are level. Perhaps a slight tilt might help smooth out the sound. If this doesn't do the trick then this is what I suggest. Try d... 
That dreaded hum
I had the same problem. This was my solution. Went to Radio Shack and bought a small plastic box, 2 switches, 4 RCA jacks and frabricated a switch box. Toggle switches turn audio signal off/on from TV's audio "Output" jacks. Needed one extra set o... 
What's the funniest song you ever heard?
An album of Tom Lehrer's I heard a long, long time ago. Also, "Billy the Mountain" by Frank Zappa. 
Please recommend components for newbie with $1K
A lower sensitivity spk. will require more power to sound as loud as a spk. w/higher sensitivity. 86dB vs. 89dB, twice as much power for the 86dB spk. to sound as lond as the spk. rated for 89dB. However, these are only numbers which may or may no... 
Please recommend components for newbie with $1K
An MMG w/a sub sounds like a great combination. I personally would buy something other than the Marantz you mentioned. An Arcam Alpha 10 Int. amp is for sale here at around $500. If you're considering a bookshelf spk. check out the Ascend Acoustic... 
Lugnut needs your advice on small speakers
OOPS. Should be "TANNOY". 
Lugnut needs your advice on small speakers
Considering the amp and your friend's taste, look for a spk. which is easy to drive and has good bass. Forget Spendors S3/5's and Harbeth HL-P3's as they require lots of juice. Buy a small floorstander, Tanoy MX-3 for $315 new are a very good deal... 
Upgrade time way past : Amp/Pre or Int for $1000
Buy a used Bryston 3B amp and either a Bryston/Nakamichi CA-5/Rotel RC-960BX pre-amp. You should spend no more than $800 and have a wonderful set-up. Most likely the Bryston's will still be under warranty. Something to consider when buying used!