

Responses from kotta

Good preamp for Vandersteen and McCormack
The Nakamichi CA-5 is an excellent pre-amp. Superb MM/MC phono. For the $ used a steal. How well it matches w/your spks. and amp I do not know. But I'd get one for its phono stage alone. 
Speaker Wire for a non-anal listener
First off, let me say in my opinion bare wire ends sound much better than any connector you can put on. If I were to look into bare wire spk. wire, my choices would be Kimber 4VS, Straightwire "Quartet" and AQ 4. All these wires will run around $3... 
Pls advise on budget integrated or pre/power comb.
I would change IC's and speaker wires first. Also power cords. If that doesn't do the trick, you might consider new spks. which are more warmer and better suited to your tastes. Or, work around your spks. and get new electronics. Hope things work ... 
Best spkrs under $700 for a Rotel RA-1070 integrat
If you're interested in bookshelf spks. I'd highly recommend you consider Tannoy Fusion 1 or 2. I own the 1 and it is a lovely sounding spk. The 2 has a larger cabinet and larger woofer. Very musical and forgiving. Stands are needed and Plateau is... 
Best Budget system? $500-$750 tops
My system would include (1)New Panasonic DVD/CD 5-disk player, (2)New Tannoy Fusion 1 Spks., (3) An older 1980's model Sony "Legato" Int. amp or receiver. IC's would be Wireworld Oasis 3 or AQ Diamondbacks and spk. wire would be either Kimber 4 VS... 
Does anyone own Snell EIII Speakers and/or Stands?
I do not have the stands. I sit about 8' away from my spks. I have mine slightly titled upwards and I'm using the spikes which came w/the spks. This I found greatly improves upon the sound. Another possible upgrade down the road might be to replac... 
Does anyone own Snell EIII Speakers and/or Stands?
I'm using a bi-wire set of Cardas Quadlink 5C spk. cables w/ my EIII's. I'm a big believer in using bare wire as I have found they sound better that way. So...you may want see if Cardas sells bulk wire and go that route. Also, I've found that Kimb... 
I Am At Your Mercy
I agree w/Lneilb. Since your room is so large, I would think floorstanders would be most appropriate. I love older Snell loudspeakers. Own the J-IV's and E-III's and for the money they are unbeatable. Very musical, easy load on your amp, beautiful... 
Monitors and Integrated for $300-$500
Also consider the Tannoy Fusion 1's. Wonderful loudspeakers! Beautifully voiced and has surprising good bass response. Of all the small loudspeakers I've owned over the yrs., these are keepers. The Spendor are great loudspeakers, however they are ... 
azur 540c new or a different used cdp for 350?
I'd consider a new Technics SL-PG4, if you can find one, for around $120. Made in W. Germany and uses a very good DAC. SaturdayAudio Exchange (www.saturdayaudio.com) has the NAD C-541i for $299. You could also buy an inexpensive Toshiba DVD/CD pla... 
Musical Amps
Every component needs the right matching partner. Some amps sound better w/certain spks. than others. That's why is so important to have tons of equipment lying everywhere around the house! The main characteristic a system needs is the ablity to m... 
My first house Just how bad of a room? 12Wx14Lx8H
OOPS! The Jm Lab Chorus 705 (which sounded very good) is the previous spk. which I used in this room. It was replaced by the JM Lab Chorus 710 which was a far better choice and it sounds superb. I tried my beloved Snell J/IV's (8" woofer) in this ... 
My first house Just how bad of a room? 12Wx14Lx8H
Marty, I have a very similiar size basement room and for me the JM Lab Chorus 705 w/very high quality 80's Sony components sounds superb. Be sure to use floor spikes which will rest the spks. on the concrete floor. I tried a few combinations of sp... 
Where do I go from Eva Cassidy?
I really enjoy listening to Folk singer, song writer, musician, Kate Wolf. She too died at an early age. Her music is, to me, pure, moving and from the heart. Her song lyrics are excellent and her voice is wonderful. The two CD sets of "Give yours... 
Are you delighted at your present system?
I really like int. amps. I've tried quite a few. Some inexpensive, some pretty expensive. I've never gotten the satisfaction out of any of them as I do the current one that in my main system. (Kora Explorer SI-90 int. amp, Snell E/III's, Wonderful...