

Responses from kotta

Spks. wood veneer is drying out.
Well, finally applied the product which I bought at "Home Depot" which was NOT 100% Tung Oil as I was lend to believe from reading the label. They only carried "Minwax Tung Oil Finish." This is a blend of oil and varnish I believe. (Maybe should b... 
One year anniversary -what have I learned?
Wonderful website! Greatly enjoy reading the "forum" section and I have learned so much about audio from all whom post and respond. Thanks everyone! 
Should I Sell My Jolida Tube for NAD 272?
I wouldn't sell the Jolida w/o first auditioning the NAD power amp w/your receiver. Maybe after giving your ear a chance to adjust to the different sound presentation, you might just prefer the NAD/SS sound. Your "quality" of sound will be replace... 
Wiremold ''NAIM'' powerstrip prices what's this???
I've ordered from Allied Electronics some very fine sounding binding posts which have made a huge sonic improvement to all the rec's/int.amps/spk's that I've tried them on. They are called "Superior Electric" BP-31's. Gold plated version only. 6/3... 
Spks. wood veneer is drying out.
Just an update: Bought 100% Tung Oil at "Home Depot." It was around $15. Haven't had a chance to apply yet. I'll post the results shortly to let everyone know the results and my opinions. Thanks, Bill. 
Spks. wood veneer is drying out.
Jayboard, in response to your question, it's obvious that the veneer is drying out. Not really bad, but I would like to restore its condition. I've never used 100% Tung Oil nor do I know very much about this product. Will it produce a strong smell... 
Best Budget Rig sub $600
A Jolida JD 1701 hybrid int. amp is the most musical amp you can buy new for $500 (retail) or around 300-$350 used. I highly recommend this int. amp. Do not be put off by the 50w per ch. rating. Sounds more like 100w. A great int. amp! (www.audior... 
Spks. wood veneer is drying out.
Thank-you for all your responses. I believe Snell used the "natural approach" and applied only oils. I do not believe a sealing finish was applied. I appreciate all your advice and will consider all your fine advice. 
Speaker Cable-The Best of the Cheap?
You might want to consider Audioquest Type 2 or 4. Very good sounding inexpensive cables. 
Bryston B60
I would have no hesitation buying a used Bryston from a well-established member w/exc. feedback. I would talk w/that person and ask a couple of questions. Original owner, box/manual/spec sheet/power-cord. Ask about shipping (possibility about doub... 
Bryston B60
I wouldn't pay more than $1000 for a B60R. But if you have the space for seperates, the 4B ST w/ a good used pre-amp is the way to go. Even a used 3B and a good tube pre-amp (CJ amoung others) would be a better way to go. 
Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?
I highly recommend VH Audio "Pulsar" Interconnect. These are fantastic. Copper conductor. Very Balanced and Musical. Trial period if not satisfied can return. (I highly doubt anyone trying these would return.) I had the B60R and if the spk. is on ... 
Remote Controlled Phase Reversal Switch
Bryston BP-25 has this feature. 
Bananas Vs Spades???
Whenever possible use bare wire. I'll found that there is little difference between a spade/banana. However, there is a difference between the types of connectors and whether they are crimped/screwed or soldered. If your amp or int. amp has really... 
Von Schweikert VR1 against Spendor 3.5
I've owned the S 3/5 and auditioned the VR1. I regret selling the Spendors. They are very nice sounding spks. Very inefficient. However, their new retail price is way too high. I think for less $ I'd look elsewhere. If you're able to find a used T...