

Responses from kotta

Help First Audiophile system
Brian, you can put an excellent system together for a song used. System maching is the key. Decide if you want a bookshelf or floorstander. Receiver/ Int. amp or seperates. Decide if having a remote is important to you. I've put systems together t... 
Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?
Most times when I move IC or spk. wires around, it does take some time for sound quality to return to where it was before.(Smoother/warmer sound w/greater bass and generally less brightness.) Why that is so, I do not know. I don't think cables com... 
Choosing the right Bryston amp
I personally would go for the higher powered amp. From personal experience, I can highly recommend the 4B ST. An excellent amp. 
Review: Anti-Cable Anti-IC’s 1 Meter Interconnect
Nice review. What connector was on your cable? The website mentions two, I believe. I was contemplating ordering a pr. but wasn't sure which to order. By any chance, has anyone have any thoughts on how the DMN Reson cable sounds and might compare ... 
Starting a high-end audio shop... Am I crazy?
I'd say go for it! At least you'll have no regrets later. It sounds like you have the background to be sucessful. Good Luck! 
12AT7 tubes
The RCA Black plates are worth considering as well. Eventually I preferred the Telefunken sound. Good Luck! Bill. 
tuner questions
Since you have a NAD Int. amp, I would suggest a matching NAD tuner. (Especially if it could be remote controlled!) There are so many good vintage tuners out there which can be bought for a song. A good tuner will make a big difference sound quali... 
How to warm up cold-sounding Rotel/B&W system?
I'm not familiar w/ your equipment from personally use, but it seems to me the logical choice is to either change the spks. or change the amp. An amplifier can have a huge difference in the way a spk. can sound. More refined w/better bass and an e... 
Good Advice
Speakers are perhaps the most important part of a system. There are many great sub-$1000 spks. (Rega Jura, Tannoy's, Snell's, ADS, Spendor to name just a few....)But to get the most out of these spks. good amplification is needed to bring out thei... 
vintage integrated
My Sony TA-AX6 Int. amp has the "Spk. strip" type binding posts. These are actually pretty decent. I did replace the Spk. B strip for some Superior Electric BP-31 gold-plated binding posts. A big improvement over the stock posts. Another Sony amp(... 
vintage integrated
The brightness you mentioned could be caused by the binding posts used w/your TA-2650. I'm not sure these are spring loaded or some type of screw down, but you would not believe the difference a good set of binding posts will make. Also change the... 
vintage integrated
Haven't heard vintage Sansui/Marantz but I'm very impressed by Sony's offering from the 80's. Great int. amps/rec's which can be bought very reasonably. Upgrade the cord/binding posts and you'll be very pleased w/the sound. Newer entry-level mass ... 
Sony 808ES Integrated
Sony made some great Int. amps as well as great tuners/rec's. "Linear Legato" and esp. the int. amps which also included "ACT" are extremely musical and yes, most certainly "sleepers." (I own a few of these pieces from the 80's. One is these is a ... 
Advice on Arcam
My memory of the NAD 304 is that it was a lean sounding amp. An enjoyable amp, but so much better can bought used for just a few hundred dollars more. Not familiar w/the older Arcam Alpha int. amp but I've owned the the Arcam Alpha 10 and Alpha 5.... 
new to tuners
I would look for an NAD 412 tuner which did not come w/a remote BUT, I believe, can be made remote-controlable by using the your Int. amps remote and using the "link" RCA jack from the tuner to the Int. amp. Or buy a new Nad tuner. If you are not ...