

Responses from kotta

Can a vintage piece over 40 years old be Highend
Bought some small Electro-voice spks. for my dad which were made in the 60's and I was suprised to hear how good they sounded. The ADS L-500's from the 70's are a fantastic 2-way spk. I remember the Braun loudspeakers. Sold audio equip. many yrs. ... 
NAD 314 vs. C320BEE
The Rotel RCD-855 is an excellent CDP. They use a great Phillips DAC. I own two of these players and for the money they are well worth it. If you buy one, try to see if the transport screws are included. (I had no problems w/one of the CDP's I bou... 
Replace a Yamaha Cr 840 with a Yamaha,NAD, Denon?
I'm using a Sony TA-AX6 Int. amp from the 80's w/my ADS L-500's and the combination sounds superb. Newer receivers sound so much different from the older ones. Brought home to demo a Yamaha AX-596 Int. amp against the Sony and the Yamaha went quic... 
NAD 314 vs. C320BEE
Keep your 314 and if you decide on a replacement move up in class. (I owned the 314 at one time and I replaced it rather quickly. Sounded too bright in my system.) But, if it works for you, fantastic! Get these thoughts out of your head and enjoy ... 
Extremely budget minded system for under $500.00 ?
An older 80's Sony "Legato" Rec. or a 70's Pioneer Rec. An ADS L400/500 spk. Energy XL-16/Tannoy MX1-M or newer "Fusion" 1 spk. . Plateau stands filled w/lead shot/sand,etc. Tara labs Prism 33i Interconnects or Straightwire's entry-level IC's/ spk... 
XLR or Rca's for Bryston 4B ST/BP 25 Pre
Just a follow-up. Bought two pairs of VH Audio "Pulsars" w/ the stock connectors and I am extremely pleased w/these IC's. (One set from pre/power and the other from CDP to pre.) After much thought, I decided that silver or silver-coated wire was n... 
Newbie looking for system suggestions
Sure I realize Bryston is Mid-fi (Upper mid-fi perhaps?) because it doesn't cost megabucks. Mapleleafs3 mentioned "Rogue." They make a new int. amp which is definately worth investigating. If you invest your budget wisely, you should have a very n... 
Newbie looking for system suggestions
I personally wouldn't go mid-fi. You'll end up not really being satisfied. The Bryston equipment sounds extremely neutral. The 4B ST for around $1200-1300 used is extremely well-worth the $. Forget bookshelf spks. for the size of your room. You'll... 
Newbie looking for system suggestions
I would buy a used Bryston pre/power amp because they sound excellent and the 20 yr. warranty is unbeatable. A used BP-25 and 4B ST is around $2300 used. Good cabling is a MUST! I highly recommend for your interconnects, VH Audio "Pulsars." Absolu... 
Best budget bookshelf speakers for 3-600 dollars.
A new set of Tannoy Fusion 1 or 2 would be a great speaker to consider. Plateau makes a really nice stand 28" stand for around $100. (Silver single column post w/black base and top plate. Model escapes me, but a really nice stand for the $.) The T... 
Cable Characteristcs - Silver vs. Copper
I've been researching the subject as well. If deciding on silver IC's check out the IC's made by a Canada violin maker, Leif Luscombe. (www.violins.on.ca/) I only own one silver IC, a Music Metre Signature. Very articulate and smooth sounding but ... 
New B&K Amp Blows Circuit
You might have other loads on your line and this is a possible reason for the breaker tripping. A dedicated line would definately be in order. Did you install a dedicated line? Did anyone mention it might be better to put in a 30a. line? What does... 
Tuner for Jolida 502B
There are quite a few choices from which to choice! Remote or not remote. Analog/Digital. How many presets? You'll have to decide which are the most important to you. You don't need to spend alot. I personally would want one that has least 8 prest... 
Just moved - sound destroyed
Very fine posts. This is the crazy hobbie but the rewards are great. It's funny a couple of yrs. back I bought some JM Lab floorstanders (810 ?)which the bass sounded way too over-blown and muddy in my room. The dealer whom sold them to me came by... 
How much oomph does the Bryston B60 have?
Your room is really large and I really don't think the B60 will have enough oomph for a speaker under 90 db efficiency. I had a B60R which I used w/my Snell E III's and I thought it barely had enough power to drive them. I would say try whichever ...