
Responses from knotscott

Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)
There are pros and cons with each, and each situation is different, so there are no absolutes here. Obviously guitar amps and hifi amps are completely different animals with different objectives (a fact that should not to be overlooked), but for h... 
Can someone suggest a lush tube integrated under $3000 used
If you already have a tube preamp, why not go for a straight amp vs integrated? There's a whole new world of options behind that door. I was specifically thinking of the VTA amps from They offer excellent circuits and build quality... 
Amp Preamp Advice
Don’t fall for the power/watts BS. Seriously. You have to hear it to believe it. Thank you for saving me some typing! I’ve gone the gamut from 55wpc to 70wpc to 255 wpc to 150wpc to 100 wpc to 35 wpc and finally to 20 wpc, and every step sounded b... 
Should I buy a VTL Siegfried mk1 basically new 700 hrs?
At that price, I’d look into a used Convergent amp.  A new JL-5 is about $25K, so you stand a decent chance of finding a used one within budget.   You’ll be hard pressed to find better. 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
Sad Old Red - Simply RedTom's Diner - Suzanne VegaThinkin' About Your Body - Bobby McFerrin 
If you had $2500 to spend on a new TT and cart.....what would you buy?
With that budget you should be able to find a really good, very attractive rig that you’ll want to keep. I’d be keeping my eyes peeled for a good used SOTA, Well Tempered, Clear Audio, VPI, maybe a better Rega, AR, or Thorens. The top shelf Techni... 
Who Were Your Mentors
Sal D’AmicoWow! That’s a name I haven’t heard in quite a while. Interesting character to say the least 😂 Sam was great.  Our CES gangs had dinner with him quite a few times.  I ended up with one of his DIstech LS2 amps (a modified BK ST-140)...... 
Bye Bye Puppy!
Sounds like a "rescue Puppy" situation! 
what's going on with specs?
Once you get beyond ample current flow for a given speaker load, and reasonable output power for a desired volume level, specs have seriously limited value in high end audio. As soon as manufacturers figured out how to build circuits that measured... 
Member Make Zero Sense
@patrickdowns I dream of Jeannie.. ....and rightfully so!  
Vinylistas and Tubers - One and the same?
At it's best, on my system, I prefer the sound of my TT setup....I think there's a bit more texture, information, and spatial cues, but CD can sound good too and is a lot more convenient.  My preference for tubes over SS is much stronger than my v... 
Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?
What percentage of the time do you listen to records vs. digital sources?
Probably 60/40 CD vs vinyl due to the convenience.  I tend to prefer vinyl, but it forces me to give up the remote, clean the records, turn them every 15-20 minutes, etc...sort of depends on whether the audio dude is listening, or just me. ;-)  
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers
I want incredible transparency so I feel like I’m in the room. I want a vivid convincing sound stage. I want full range, so everything is present. I want dynamics and realistic spatial cues. I want natural delicate overtones that don’t sound like ... 
Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
Convergent JL-5.  THE most resolving amp in the world.