
Responses from knotscott

Inexpensive speaker cables: any experience?
I needed longer runs than my Kimber Kable or Cardas wires would reach, so I bought some bulk OFC 12 gauge copper 4-conductor cable from Monoprice, added tech flex and terminated my own ends.  It's good....very good.  
Does a solar power home inverter negatively affect the sound of audio systems?
I recently added small 240 aH 12V battery back-up power system to our home. I haven’t tested it on my sound system yet, but did pose the question on an audio forum about how well battery systems tend to work with an audio system. The general conse... 
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
Higher price is no guarantee of better sound, which is subjective anyway, but higher cost from the builder’s perspective allows for more expensive, higher quality, more resolving, and hopefully better sounding parts. It’s still a huge challenge to... 
BiAmp Focal Kanta 2 speakers with 1 set of posts.
Using one amp per speaker may have some benefit from better separation, and zero crosstalk.  There may be some other benefits from each amp having less responsibility and it's own power supply.  
2 vs 8 tubes in preamp, sound difference?
You only need enough. Having more tubes is no better than having more the right configuration and application, it could have some benefit.... but could also just be more, and maybe too many..  
Triode vs Ultralinear
I prefer my VTA/Dyna 70 in triode for the same reasons you mentioned.    
What do you guys think of adding a subwoofer to this system?
Get an active sub or two, and use them just to augment the bottom octave. Don’t feature them. Keep the gain low enough so that you barely notice them, and set the low pass frequency at its lowest frequency setting. I prefer to drive subs using the... 
China built tube amps
Good sound is good sound regardless of where it's made.  I had a 6.8 watt Nobsound amp that I bought for $235 to use while I was rebuilding my Dynaco 70s with the VTA mods.  It was surprisingly good.  Not as good as my VTA modded Dynas, but I was ... 
Video of my new NAGAOKA JT-80 MM Cartridge
Love the Nag carts I've tried.  My MP150 with the MP500 nude line contact stylus is stellar.    
I Don't Want to be an Audiophile, What am I...
@CD813 Audiophilia nowadays is basically a form of OCD, the stuff of nonsense since perfectly acceptable sound is available for a relatively small investment of time and money nowadays. There's a lot of room for different interpretations of th... 
Transmission line speakers!
Khorn. A transmission line with a fold or two. Just my interpretation, as I am no speaker designer. PWK could have ported it, but would not get the efficiency of a true horn, nor the quality of output. Transmission loaded, ime, always had folds w... 
I Don't Want to be an Audiophile, What am I...
I’m proud to be an audiophile. The term has no "stereotypical" negative connotations for me. It’s been a hell of a rewarding journey, and I’ve met some brilliant people. I’m proud of the system I’ve built with nearly no budget, the path I took, wh... 
Active vs passive crossover
Passive crossovers can get pretty expensive, so I'm not sure how much of the decision comes down to cost with the higher end speakers.  Passive crossovers give the manufacturer full control of the crossover interaction once the speakers get into t... 
Transmission line speakers!
I’ve had custom transmission lines for 32 years. Even if I ever try another pair of speakers at some point, they’ll most likely use a TL. They’re more difficult to build and to get right than many speakers, but when done well, the lack of resonanc... 
30 to 50 watts seems to be all I desire
I’m down from 255wpc with a Hafler DH-500 to 17 wpc from Dyna/VTA 70 with KT66 in triode mode. Plenty loud for me with average efficiency speakers in a 24x24 ft room, and sounds amazing.