
Responses from knotscott

How important is the pre-amp?
A preamp can make a significant difference in sound. I suspect "the theory" doesn’t tell the whole story, plus there are different levels of "perfectly good".  The value of more expensive components means different things to different people. Not ... 
Are Quicksilver power tube amps in the same league as VAC, VTL, BAT, ARC, ...?
The Tubes4Hifi Vacuum Tube Audio (VTA) tube amps are excellent bang for the buck. Their service and support is wonderful, and they have a significant following. Their factory wired M-125 monoblocks (125wpc) are $2700 plus shipping, less if you buy... 
Recommendations on Hooking Up Dual Subwoofers and Speakers
I prefer the response and tonality of my sub running from the amp’s main speaker outputs to the high level sub inputs vs line level in from the pre-outs. Bi-wiring seems to cause a fair amount of controversy, but I’d encourage you to give it a try... 
Biggest "bang for the buck" audio gear you have owned(in your history)?
@ tooblue B&K ST140 power amps.... I knew the B&K guys back in the mid to late 80s, and owned a Discrete Technology LS-2, which was a modified ST-140. I was thrilled to find one of the latest versions of ST140 power amp for $140 recently.... 
Where to go from Grado Gold?
Nagaoka MP200, MP300, or with some luck and a stretch, the MP500 is incredible.  Wonderfully musical, dynamic carts with amazing midrange presence, separation, and soundstage.   
New to Turntables
I'd guess that the Yamaha's preamp is better, but its subjective and the only way to know for sure is try both and see what you like.  You may find that the impedance of one or the other mates better with the 2M Red.   
Why the difference in resale value?
Could be influenced by brand name recognition too.  Just about everyone (even outside of the audio world) have heard of Onkyo...not so much with Adcom. 
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?
Bose, SonyBoth 4-letter words, but both sell well. 
Is it ever enough?
@ erik_squires The secret IMHO however is to build instead of buy. Get your hands dirty. Play with parts. Solder something. Glue a speaker together. You’ll be able to tinker a great deal more and get hands on experience. I think you’re onto someth... 
Is bass the most important frequency band?
@mijostyn:I personally can't stand a system that is too bright. Old age will fix that problem. Same here.  I was hoping old age would help with that, but at 61, my hearing on that top octave is poor, but I'm still pretty sensitive to grungy sibil... 
Tube dampener questions
My experience with tube dampers echoes many others here.  They snuffed the life out of the system.  I spent a couple of weeks bemoaning why the system didn't sound right.  Then I remembered those darn dampers and tossed them.  Life is good again! 
Best place to advertise audiophile speaker components (UK)
Facebook Marketplace, and/or DIY speaker discussion groups on Facebook.  Plenty of a good pictures, and good detailed descriptions always help.I'd also suggest looking into and contacting any audio societies that may exist near London. 
Is it ever enough?
Harvey Rosenberg, of New York Audio Labs fame, addressed our audio club years ago. He talked quite a bit about the significance of music to mankind from the beginning of time to modern times....from communicating with the Gods, to mating rituals, ... 
Rear ported speakers?
Lotsa variables in play, but they certainly could work.  Depends on your room/floor construction, equipment, placement, stand height, etc.  Spendor made some great speakers, so I'd be eager to give them a try and experiment some. 
Is bass the most important frequency band?
While I enjoy good bass, somewhat sloppy bass or preferably "less" deep bass are much easier for me to tolerate than sloppy upper midrange or treble, so its the first thing I’d sacrifice if I couldn’t have full range high fidelity across the whole...