
Responses from knotscott

Amp Upgrade Path?
Even thought they're currently delayed a few weeks, I'd give serious consideration to the VTA M125 Monoblocks from  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
My wife thinks my listening room should be decorated like a living room, so the speakers are typically unceremoniously crammed into the corners where they're less obtrusive.  Every once in a while we let them out to play.    
Aftermarket Upgrade Question
The most dramatic sound differences typically come from a stylus or cartridge upgrade, but there are some tweaks you can do to help optimize what’s there. Build or buy an isolation platform....Google some ideas Add a few orthodontia rubber ban... 
Best budget turntable?
IMHO, the cartridge is where the most significant differences in sound come from. With your budget I’d be looking at something at the level of the PLX-1000 with a Nagaoka MP500. You can always optimize that with an isolation platform, and possibly... 
Feel free to talk me off the ledge
You're not're smart!  
How many turntables have you owned?
13 (if I recall correctly). Some not worth mentioning, some good: Denon DP45F AR-ES 1 w/Premier MMT arm AT-LP120XUSB (tweaked) Thorens TD-124Mk1 (refurbished) Technics SL-1500 Mk1 Dual 1215 Hitachi HT60 Scott PS-67 Pioneer PL-4 Crosley... 
bookshelf speakers on the floor
Bookshelf speakers on the floor are a tripping hazard! LOL....otherwise, no harm done.  
The soul of a builder
I thought this was a great topic, but I thought there's be more response.  Are there that few DIYers here?  
Heart vs the Head / Irrational Audio Compulsions? too!  My early systems sounded decent, but LEDs, EQs, sleek looks, and more watts with lower THD had far too much appeal! I think I'm largely past that, as I'm more of a straight wire with gain kinda guy now, but I still appreciate a coo... 
The soul of a builder
Very early on in my "audio lifes, I got introduced to a couple of very bright local manufactures who went on to produce what I’d consider world class gear (subsequent reviews support that view). Frequent exposure to their systems, philosophies, an... 
Budget DAC recommendation for Office system
I’ve been super happy with my Topping E30. It made a notable audible improvement from the stock DAC in my Denon, works well, and the remote is good.  What more could I ask from a $130 component?  
Integrated tube amp vs Tube amp?
I suppose it depends on the particular amps in question, but since you have a tube preamp I'd be inclined to lean toward a straight tube amp.  
To Buy or to DIY, here is my question
If you’re not proficient at designing and tweaking a crossover, I’d consider a kit that has already worked out those details. The crossover is just as critical as the drivers and the cabinet (maybe more-so because of the ability to compensate). To... 
Who is using Nagaoka Phono Cartridges?
I picked up a Nagaoka MP-150 last spring, and added the JN-P (MP500) nude line contact stylus on boron cantilever to it, and think it’s spectacular. Incredibly musical with beautifully refined detail, amazing midrange clarity and separation. It so... 
Overpowering my speakers
No. Distortion from amps being over driven is what damages most speakers, not good controlled power. (Your ears on the other hand....go easy!)