
Responses from kennyc

You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
Seems like a lot of criticism for cable’s marketing hype which is designed to differentiate themselves from the crowded field and to obviously stimulate sales. How should a cable manufacturer market their product?  If they spent a considerable am... 
Is there anything better than live recordings?
Live can be good to bad, studio can be good to bad- Seems like addressing a hypothetical “ideally equal” is a waste of time as superior sonics should be the goal regardless of live or not  
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?
I’m a fan of speaker design guru Andrew Jones who makes great sounding speakers at their price point.  His new MoFi SourcePoint 10 garnered many very favorable reviews that I’ll likely get a pair even though I don’t have the need.  He reportedly s... 
Why so few devices with BNC's??
I purchased a Chord MScaler to use with my current and future DACs, but Chord’s BNC connection is a pain as many DACs do not support.  If I get a custom cable with BNC only on one end, selling it later may be impossible.  
Need advice for upgrading my analog setup
Although the OP originally stated he did not want to change his preamp, seems that suggesting an upgrade to match the level of his turntable and cartridge is simply trying to help him achieve better sonics. Pointing out weak links in the audio cha... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
@SNS Thank you- extremely useful information.  
Interesting situation! Do we need this....
@rbertalotto Congratulations on finding something you truly enjoy, that’s the main thing That being said, when you use “we” is likely rubbing some people the wrong way as it seems you are speaking for all of us which I disagree- Audio price/perfo... 
Starting from Basically Scratch. Help me power some Wilson Watt Puppys
Hegel integrated with a built in DAC - consistently many positive reviews, the DAC is very good unlike many other integrated amps at this price point. While the H190 is good, the H390 is significantly sonically superior - worth the extra $.  Buyi... 
Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?
+4 AGD   
Advice for a new analog system
I honestly don't understand (I don't argue it, just don't see it) the big difference between a 2K turntable and and the more (way more) expensive ones.   @grislybutter it’s not a “big difference”, but there is sonic improvements.  Whether thi... 
Looking for a McIntosh amp that gives a great example of the “McIntosh Sound”
Is the McIntosh sound known for SS, tubes, or both? Is the McIntosh sound known for preamp, amp, or both?   My audio purchase decisions are usually based the latest reviews and McIntosh hasn’t come to my attention as cutting edge or a sonic bar... 
Want to add vinyl to my system.
@bwguy  There are many good quality phono preamps/stages at many price points, so a budget would help us to narrow it down.  The Parasound Halo JC3+ or the PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamplifier are safe bets with lots of positive reviews   
Advice for a new analog system
@ftrot  How important is having multiple arms on a turntable?  This would help narrow suggestions.   There is nothing wrong with VPI products - they are no worse than other turntables. I suspect Agoners who are not fond of VPI is a matter of pr... 
Improve sound
+1 DAC for best sonic uptick at $1k  
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V?
I’m hoping that the SME VA tonearm will become available for sale without the new SME 60 turntable, and that it’s within my budget.  A definite improvement over the SME V.