
Responses from kennyc

I just saw a used  VPI HR-X Turntable With JMW 12.7 Tonearm on US Audio Mart for $7.5k.  
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
Also, budget for some room treatment. I popular resource for info, advice, and products at reasonable prices check out "" (when I try to copy/paste a link it gets imbedded in a very large box)  
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
@brewerslaw Quboz and Tidal are the top hi-rez streaming services. Check Roon software interface.  Try to demo at a high-end audio dealership as it's  often available.  View an online promotional video. Seek information and guidance from multip... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
But, I have never heard these systems deliver really low bass at a high level. +1 @larryi High efficiency speakers are the only choice to use with flea watt amps and that’s what they are usually paired with. Since bass requires a lot of air to... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
I use high sensitivity 100db speakers to explore flea watt amplifiers' midrange magic on voices and certain instruments.  The amp is a 8wpc 300B. I'm not fan of low sensitivity speakers. For economic and the large number of choices (easier to fi... 
What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?
Volti Rival 100db speakers - seemed like the best choice for uncolored/neutral speakers for my new foray into flea watt amps. Unfortunately, the price recently jumped by 60% likely due to supply chain issues and inflation - I was extremely disappo... 
Preamp suggestion for Coincedent M300B Frankenstein mk2
I'm feeling the pull of obtaining the Coincident Statement line stage...there goes my budget...what else is new.  I'm also find their Coincident Statement Phono Preamplifier appealing.  
Preamp suggestion for Coincedent M300B Frankenstein mk2
Better means strictly better sonic performance rather than features, a clear sonic uptick that’s obviously notable. If it’s slight barely able to tell better then it’s not worth the change. I’m mainly checking if my Constellation SS preamp is a go... 
Preamp suggestion for Coincedent M300B Frankenstein mk2
If there is a better option than than my Constellation SS preamp, budget is $4-5k usd new or used.    
Most Extensive State-of-the-Art DAC Survey Ever!
@ronres  Thanks for sharing the video.   Along with other audio components. I also have been tracking what is the best DACs available, then trying to get the best options within my budget.  The seemingly top DACs are in the +$100k mark (MSB, Arie... 
One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?
1 table multiple arms.  That’s why I own a VPI Avenger.  I have not developed the “own multiple turntable types” bug yet. Prefer less phono boxes so less cables - I have a Grail SB.  
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters
I’ll probably bite the bullet and go with Furutech lifters as reviews/reports are fairly consistent in changes/improvements.    
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change
When it comes to people, both individuals and groups, change is inevitable especially human preferences. One could try to stop, reverse, or slow change, but this often entails a significant amount of time, energy, and resources both individually a... 
Recommendations please!
A used Aesthetix Calypso $2.9k: no affiliation, but read good things about the Calypso.  
Looking for Speaker Recommendations
@wast314  You have a list of excellent speakers at their price points, and I'll +1 for both Rockport and Joseph Audio. Beryllium tweeters, like in the Focal, are often reported sounding bright.  The B&W 800s tweeters also have a couple of St...