
Responses from kennyc

Why didn't I sell my vinyl rig?
I’m resigned that I have to spend significantly to bring my digital chain up to the level of my analog.    
Interconnect advice needed
Maybe the OP would be better served with “silver” cables, generally consider cooler than copper.  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Seems the OP is asking cost/benefit which is subjectively different for each of us. I originally started listing what I purchased and why, then I realized that everyone goes th... 
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
Frankly, if I don't trust their marketing, then I don't trust the company.  Ha! That includes most cable companies, and might as well lump in all the other marketing BS we get bombarded with in the media.  
Worth upgrading my cables?
@designtaylor your last post was spot on- the entire audio chain matters so it’s usually best to address the weak links.    
Recommendation for Digital Coax
I’ve read that digital cables less than 1.5 meters may cause reflections.   
Testing for Dirty Electrical Power
Seems like the best audiophile power solution is to run on battery like the Stromtank. Unfortunately it’s currently out of my budget and I don’t have room.  Power regeneration garnered mixed reviews, especially with PS Audio products.   I followed... 
World's Best Stereo System ?...
+1 pcrkhr sonic preferences are subjective.  People have different priorities values realism, warmth, detail, soundstaging, dynamics,  etc. tempered by their finances.   Audio chains are imperfect facsimile of live events.  
need amp recommendations for more separation of instruments
I know the Odyssey (IIRC) Khartago is used as one of the amps used by Alon Wolf of the cutting edge speaker designer of Magico. Seems like one of the rare sonic bargains available. Their upper line Kismet might also be a high price/performance opt... 
Warm and accurate bookshelves that can handle volume
Show conditions often not ideal, heard Magico S5 mk2 often sound great, but only ok at last AXPONA.  But you’ll likely hear something that “you” favor subjectively and will give much more examples /information than you currently have.  Helps if yo... 
Warm and accurate bookshelves that can handle volume
AXPONA is coming up. Maybe worth your time to attend as it perhaps the 2nd largest high-end audio show I’m the world.  I went there last year to audition, choose, then purchase my speakers (got a sweet deal).  Lots of high end audio systems , comp... 
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
I surmise that this whole OP started is when the marketing material used “numbers” that really bother some analytical person thinking “you can’t use numbers based on nothing”.  Really puts a bee in their bonnet.  
Is there anything better than live recordings?
There’s a difference between sonics and content. I assumed that the OP was addressing sonics as this is a high-end audio forum   
SPU People: I love my Royal N. Which SPU will I like even better?
I picked up a variety to hear what SPUs have to offer: Ortofon SPU Classic GM E MkII - close to original sound Ortofon SPU E GM Gold - good reviews Ortofon SPU Century - likely top of line I haven’t heard them yet though.    
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
+1 leorousseau