
Responses from kennyc

Best DACs under $7,000.00
The Bel Canto e1x DAC/preamp at $6.8k just got a fantastic review on Stereophile October 2022 issue by John Atkinson - Measures great and has no sound signature of it’s own.    
Is there such a thing as a FOREVER DAC/streamer?
@gpixels  That is purely a subjective question, it depends on user preference.  Spend more you’ll get more.  If one is satisfied with the sonics and/or $ spent then likely they will stop.   Digital audio, like most technologies, does not stand st... 
Temporary Down Sizing - Integrated Amp Recommendations
@josephp732  If tubes, make sure your parents are safe and heat generated is acceptable. If from Japan, make sure amp can run on your voltage and frequency. Otherwise you'll need a voltage transformer which may affect sonics and it's an added co... 
Chord M-Scaler and Should I Want One?
I have an MScalar which I will try out during my DAC upgrades, keeping it in the audio chain only if it improves sonics. When I reach my end game DAC, then i’ll decide whether to keep it or not.    
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home
@zensview  Please keep us posted on what you find out.  I also live in the SF Bay Area and will someday run a dedicated audio AC line.  I also plan to run a dedicated ethernet line.  Didn't know that good house grounding for audio was a thing unt... 
Bookshelf speakers that renders 3D soundstage
+1 Goldenear BRX. The first time I've ever heard 3D sound was from a Goldenear Triton speakers.  Reviews also reflect 3D imaging as one of Goldenear's strong suits, and the many very positive BRX reviews also confirm "great 3D imaging".  Also, th... 
Preamps can color sound considerably. Surprising?
Preamps vs no preamp, tube preamp vs SS preamp - I don't believe one can make a global generalization on which is better because it differs depending on the components chosen in one's audio chain.    
@dpcoffey It’s not just 1s and 0s, the data rides in an analog signal which can pick up noise from various sources. This noise is clearly audible in a resolving audiophile system  
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
Some members seem to advocate whether high efficiency speakers are better or not.  Sonics is my priority not speaker efficiency.  I only address speaker efficiency if it is required/driven by a sonic goal- wanting to hear flea watt 300b tube amp m... 
Magnepan .7 Alternatives
@flasd  Your audio components seem to reflect careful audiophile choices.  I'd expect a major sonic uptick with better speakers.   $3k floorstander speaker suggestions great price/performance: Tekton GoldenEar Triton Monitor Audio Gold    
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
@brewerslaw For both your analog and digital audio chains, you'll need: turntable tonearm cartridge phono preamp (stage) preamp amp server/streamer DAC  cabling shelf/rack room treatments streaming subscription service The best ba... 
Apples and oranges
Although we have differences in audio chain sonic quality, individual hearing acuity, and different room conditions (apples and oranges), we share in the interest of incremental improvements for both components and tweaks (same fruit basket).      
Best DACs under $7,000.00
I’ve also been researching this price range. The Holo May sonics is likely above the Terminator, but the best price/performance is the Lampi Baltic3.  
Bragging rights.....
Often high-end audio can be obsessive and hard on the bank account, but musical enjoyment should be the end goal.  Congratulations, nothing wrong with contentment.   
or this grabbing tool, but be VERY CAREFUL not to damage your speaker: