
Responses from kennyc

What speakers work with low wattage class A amps
@arhgef  What is make and model of the Class A amp and speakers that you demoed and liked?  It may help us to narrow your choices.  
What speakers work with low wattage class A amps
25 Watts “or less” The lower the amp wattage, the more limiting choices of speakers.  There’s a big difference between what speakers will drive 25amps vs a flea watt amp such as 4watts.  I have a 300B 8watt amp which necessitates that I have a ... 
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
Seems it’s either a vinyl problem or a static electricity problem.  New vinyl is not clean, it benefits from a good cleaning- ultrasonic works best.  Static electricity can also cause pops n clicks - best to try to eliminate. While many products t... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
+1 @bfleetwood - better midrange vs more neutral linear dynamic lows highs  
Streamers made in America?
I am old enough to remember when "Made in China" on a product meant that it actually was cheap and poorly built. Those days are long gone. I am old enough to remember when "Made in JAPAN" on a product meant that it actually was cheap and poorly... 
Tube rolling newbie- how to choose NOS tubes
Thanks all, I’ll look up Brent Jesse. I have to be careful as I have an additive personality and may get caught in the accumulating tubes rabbit hole.    
Incredible improvement in sound quality
I use a Waterpik showerhead set to center pulsating blast to clean out my ear canal.  A doctor would also use significant water pressure to clean ears.  I figure that the initial air would cushion the eardrum, then column of water in the canal wou... 
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
Van Den Hul Grail - very quiet current mode, I have the SB model Esoteric E-02 - compares well to top phono stages-  seems to be a sonic bargain   
Incredible improvement in sound quality
Sometimes there’s a huge void behind the earwax.  
Tube rolling newbie- how to choose NOS tubes
Thanks all for your advice, I'm learning a lot.  This is my first experience with tubes so I'm in experimental mode to understand the sonic differences between tubes. I'll also be using my DAP as a SS desktop dac/amp to sonically compare.   
Integrated amp recommendation
The $1k Outlaw Audio RR2160MKII stereo receiver may be a good option.  
Best sounding FM table radio ever made...
Whoops, mental block.  Desktop radios- brings back memories of my mom listening to the baseball games  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
@boothroyd  thanks for the Sierra lead.  I’ll reach out to ask sonic difference between the HA and CB.  I haven’t found comparisons online yet.  
Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?
The Rotel and Coda are SS, but I was answering your initial $4k or less new or used.  I didn’t follow this thread which seems that you are now looking for SS only at $1k or less.  Good luck.  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Because I don’t see the CB on their website so I assumed discontinued: Like VPI, generally seems that when both are offered, Carbon fiber tonearms performs better than aluminum/metal.  So I was wonderi...