

Responses from kehut

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Wow..I came back to find no postings in almost a month?? Okay, Ill get this going again guys!Tonight is a Steely Dan night... Katy Lied..orig MCA 1975Aja..ABC 1977.... and Pretzel Logic MCA 1980.. Last is Diane Schuur's Collection on GRP. 
VR-4JR or USHER 6371
Although it looks in the pic like they may be straight ahead..they are indeed toed to a point crossed just past the listening position. I have tried various placements with this being the best in my system. Same was true for the 81's..Please dont ... 
VR-4JR or USHER 6371
I owned the 6381's are they do have a slight boxy coloration which never completely went away with break in. However, I currently have the 6371's and they are worlds better. They integrate and disappear way better than the 81's ever did. A very di... 
RCA connector cleaning tool
If the cleaning tool is plastic, be very careful not to use too much pressure or twist too hard on these. I had a buddy who was using the male end tool and had it break in the rear input rca of his phono stage...we had to completely disassemble th... 
Everyone Knows About Jacintha, Right?
As I write this Im actually listening to her XRCD2 of Autumn Leaves..Very nice. A little vivid in presentation, but very well recorded none the less. You would definately have to be Johnny Mercer fan for this one... or you'll be snoozing by the 5t... 
What about this stylus guage?
I 2nd the Audio One digital guage. Its fast,easy and accurate. I compared to all my standard guages and reference Winds and it is dead on accurate as any. It also includes a reference calibration weight ( as mentioned). Non magnetic materials, so ... 
Jolida 100 cdp
Here is my take thus far: Ive tried several types compared to the stock Chinese tubes( which are not too bad sounding IMO) EH tubes were too bright in the highs...Next I tried GE 3x mica grey plate 5751 and found them better resolving..but no bett... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Here' one I just discovered for the tube dudes. Ei Yugo labeled 12AX7 tubes which can be bought new for about $7.00 a tube.....Just went up against my favorite RCA 5751 3X mica BP's and hold their own..in fact a bit more open with better bass...th... 
Tube rolling experience in Aesthetix Callisto Sig
John,For your 12AX7's try a pair of RCA 5751's 3X mica Black plates. They have slightly less gain, but have excellent focus and resolution and are grainless in comparison to most all 12AX7's..they will make a audible difference...Ken 
Do you remember your first cd?
First cd was a gift..."Mister Mister"...long gone now thank goodness! 
Cary SLI-80 vs Manley Stingray
I auditioned the Manley on Maggie 1.6's and loved what I heard. Tonal quality that is outstanding. Ultimately, I paired them with a pair of Usher 6371's and they are indeed punchy and dynamic. Bass control is excellent and deep. Now all of the qua... 
Has anybody here done this?
Yes...vertical bi-amping can make a very big difference sonically. Glad you heard the improvement. But..what you should have done is get the VW 1.8T engine and put a larger turbo and cross pipe with a ecu chip and cat-back from APR performance and... 
Jolida JD100 Tweaks & Tips
Put it on 3 Audiopoints/cone toes. 2 in the back and the one up front. -Use a $5200.power cord on this $1K Player!!like I do :) I know this seems rediculous..but the Electraglide UK2/Statement RR is awesome( and can be found for way less than that... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Thanks Rush...Ill be looking for the Waterlily as well. Well... Joe..what else tonight but the aforementioned "Songs my Mother Taught Me"..and Acoustic Alchemy's "Natural Elements" on the MCA 42125. Webb and Carmicheal let loose with a mix of upbe... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Two come to mind for me. The MG 1.6QR and Jolida JD-100. Both perform way above their price points IMO. Besides being "overacheivers" they perform well because they are well designed products.