

Responses from kehut

Which headphones are comfortable?
This headphone junkie has been all over the place with so many models..I keep coming back to the Sennheisers. I have the 650's again, but the whole damn line is hard to beat for comfort, sound and everything else! What an exceptional phone and com... 
Old Janszen E-stats sound very good
Checked it out! Interesting indeed. The 130 tweeter array is what dad has. Im sure the fact that they beam quite noticably all the way into the midrange, just kills the soundstage and imaging of these..but do they ever provide the best tonal quali... 
anyone have setup tips on an old Koetsu Black?
The older Koetsu Black is a rather medium-low compliance cart. Not sure how it would mate with the Moerch Unipivot arm. My worry is that this arm may need a higher complicance cart to work its best..Just speculation and FWIW, you may be good with ... 
A Sad Day...
And if you ever want to talk Leica...just give a shout!>>ken 
A Sad Day...
Temporary..only temporary im sure. I sold my Aries not long ago.. and within a month had a new Aries 2 in the system.So..what is the plan? Are you replacing it down the road? Perhaps that nice TNT with HRX bearing/platter or HRX itself?Best of eve... 
Should this forum have a warning label?
Well..Its obvious this post got by the moderators eh!,,Although its definately an issue, I think the thread issues could be concidered similar to the buying/selling of gear. One does take thier chances with such transactions( Buyer beware) and as ... 
A Very Long Primer on Record Cleaning Fluids
Well done! Thank you for taking the time to post this. I am grateful.--Ken 
new vpi models ??
I had also talked with Harry a few months back. He was indeed working on a new Motor/Flywheel unit. I understand he will also have one avail for the Aries 2. Have not heard much of late however, or if any new tables are coming soon. 
Anyone compared Whest Audio with Manley Steelhead?
I had the Whest.20 with Nottingham Spacedeck/Ace arm and ZYX Airy3 SB in my home and played it next to my ARC PH3 SE with VPI Aries 2/JMW 10 and ZYX Fuji S combo. It was very good indeed, but not enough to make me sell my SE. Each had its strength... 
Please compare the following headphones
Craig-I found a pair of Sony MDR-SA 3000's on ebay. The list is $350, but can be had new for about 175.00 on ebay at times. This is a really good sounding phone to my ears. I like them more than the AKG 501's I had and the Grado 325's. I still lik... 
Calculation of effective mass of JMW10 tonearm?
Jon-I seem to remember asking that same question to Mike at VPI several years back. Now, I cant remember what the number was off hand. Unfortunately, the JMW 10 manual doesn't specify as you are likely aware. As Jmcgrogan2 suggests..place a call o... 
Sony MDR-SA3000 headphones
Just out of the box...the Sony MDR SA 3000 is an impressive phone! The sound run from my ASL MG/DT OLTMK3 is balanced and dynamic. Bass is not quite as deep as the Senn 600, but is way quicker and more accurate. seamless mid and highs that are rev... 
Phono stage help for Nott Spacedeck/Anna/Dynavectr
Having heard the Whest 2.0 with the Nott/ Spaceace/ZYX Airy3 combo..I can cheerfully recommend it. This is one exceptional phono stage.Big soundstage, great bass, smooth highs and mids and coherence from top to bottom are some of its strong points... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Joe- Sorry to hear of this. I feel your pain here. The last Atlanta record show I attended, there was an increasing number of vendors selling CD only at their tables. Its getting harder to find real bargains in the LP's too. Hang in there. 
Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best
Well...you have the makings of a nice vintage system! OR... What about trying a Cary SLP 50 or an AES DH pre amp with remote options. I think there is one for sale now. This would be a nice pre amp for use with your Dyna's.I definately agree with ...