

Responses from kehut

Jolida JD 100. How does it sound?
Eben-Keep us informed as to what you thought of the 100 after you hear this player. Please keep in mind that your system and acoustics are going to be substantially different from the dealers shop. Its best if you could audition it at home before ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
SlipknotI -- I really like "Songs my Mother Taught me" by Arturo Delmoni(1986). When I first found this copy used a few years back..I chuckeled to myself and thought...Okay, what the heck! $2.00 is no big loss.... I didn't know Id be playing it so... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
RR recording(Rm-1005) of Gershwin- An American in Paris..Leonard Slatkin & St.Louis Symp....light and easy with exceptional soundstaging and wonderful full bass.Next up is Classical Records(LSC 2298) Borodin..Symphony No.2Rimsky-Korsakoff...Ca... 
Jolida JD 100. How does it sound?
Im with those above here on the JD. I run my stock 100 with RCA 5751 3Xmica Black plates...the best so far. The Raytheon 5751's with windmill type getters are indeed very good as are GE's...but the RCA's took it up another notch. Very similar to t... 
Anyone using a Graham 2.2 with the Aries 2?
Hi Divo,Thanks for your input here. I was afraid that may be the case. The Graham can adjust just so high...but thought it may or may not work as I really wasn't sure with the newer platter height.Did you upgrade to the 2.2 from the JMW?? and if s... 
Ring fly wheel stabilizer vs none.
George,Of course I cant speak for Sirspeedy, but it was indeed honorable and gracious of you to offer your apology. I have followed some of your threads over the years and know you are a great guy and terrific member. :) 
Usher CP-6381
Hum4god,Sounds like a nice amp to match the 6381's. If you read my post previously on this thread above..you'll notice that I said I was going to Electrostats after selling my 801's....well that WAS the plan, but as you may have noticed..I went ba... 
Ring fly wheel stabilizer vs none.
Thats SDS... not SDI...see, I hardly remember it. :) 
Ring fly wheel stabilizer vs none.
Well Sirspeedy 70680 I will agree with you.I think as long as your moving your hands and arms around the TT/arm/cart. there is always a risk of taking out your fragile cart.stylus with one false move.This can of course happen with a center clamp a... 
ARC LS25 or Pass Labs X1??
I can only offer my experiences with the ARC gear as I have not heard the Pass pre amps.The LS16 actually has a higher gain output of 12.2db in SE config. The 25 is adjustable from 0,6,12db Se.( 6,12,18db in Balanced) Your 15 runs 6db in SE out,so... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
I have the Shure, an older Weathers ,an older Gerrard and a newer Audioforce digital. All are accurate. I find the Shure to be the most time consuming of them all, but it does the job. I think the Gerrard SPG3 English made guage is very accurate a... 
Anyone using a Graham 2.2 with the Aries 2?
No one is using a Graham 2.2 on an Aries 2?? Really? Hmmm 
Cartridge for JMW 10
I completely agree with Cmo and Dougdeacon. The Shelter would not be a good match for the JMW as this arm is better suited to the higher compliance cart such as the ZYX. I currently have the Aries 2/JMW 10 with a Zyx Fuji SH (0.48mV) into a PH3SE ... 
Best Cd Player under $100,000
But if you take James's suggestion and get the personal AM/FM CDHeadset for $19.92, may I by all means recommend the Loony Tunes Bugs Bunny Headcase Cd holder for the additional $11.00. Dont forget the batteries!! 
What is a good polish for black acrylic?
I use a small amount of automotive polish ( not wax) and a soft lint free cloth every once in a while. I also found that the auto spray detailer liquid works well. A few manufactures of this kind of finish recommend a windex type of spray and lint...