

Responses from kehut

how did you find "the gon"
I had traded in a pair of speakers on another speaker at my local dealer in 2002. He said he had them sold already to a guy in Texas. When I asked how he had them sold so fast..., he responded "Audiogon!" I mentioned that I had heard of it and he ... 
Is 9'x11' too small?
Its definately small, but you could do well to treat the room and go with some small stand mounted monitors and listen in the near field..pulling the speakers into the room should give some excellent results. The key is to not let the room interac... 
Comments on Thiel CS2.2 speakers
Tom,Having owned both, I dont think I'd give up my 2Ci so quickly for the 2.2. More of a lateral move, and just different sound. The 2.2 will have more detail and resolution, but are also leaner and somewhat more Vivid in their presentation( some ... 
Amp help for the Maggies?
NO, NO, NO...you are ALL wrong!!! (just kidding :) ) let me chime in as having owned SMG "A"'s 1.5, 1.6 ,2.7's and 3.3's( formerly Jafox's own beloved 3.3's!!) As many of you may know, I have indeed left the Maggie camp( for now anyway) and here's... 
North Creek B&W 801 crossovers? Tried them?
Hi Paul,Yes..I have a pair with just about 325 hours on them from new. I bought my Anniversary Limited Edition 801 (Rosewood) for not much more than you,(although I drove 1900 miles round trip to get them! :)... and although good sounding, they ar... 
Plinius SA-250 Mk2 vs Mk 4; Just how much better?
Simon,As owner of a MkII SA250, I emailed Peter Thomson of Plinius NZ and asked the same question not long ago,having not heard the Mk1V for myself. Although there is no upgrade path to the IV, Peter said that the difference was subtle, but a slig... 
Upgrade or sell ARC LS-15 ?
Matt- keep us up to date on the pre amp you get!..Good listening. 
Wife approval factor?
Look at my system post and you will see that used to be a living room! I am very lucky also. My wife smiles and tells everyone that it's the music room now. She's not bothered in the least with the stuff hung on the walls and stuck in the corners.... 
Upgrade or sell ARC LS-15 ?
No not at all. Pick up the Cardas rca-xlr adapters readily available. They are a high quality adapter that wont degrade the signal in the laest IMO and will allow use of the 5. You may need a pair for your output to your amp also.(XLR-RCA config) ... 
Upgrade or sell ARC LS-15 ?
Mbonn-I was in your situation not too long ago. I concidered the GNS with the Reference upgrade for my 15 and called Steve at GNS. We spoke at length and he basically said that even with the upgrade, the 15 will not be as good as an LS5 MkII or II... 
sexiest sounding female vocalists?
The latest from Jane Monheit; "Taking a chance on Love" 
Transport for Tri-Vista 21 DAC
My buddy uses an older Cary 301 as a transport with his 21 DAC linked with a Kimber digital RCA cable. Both tube units seem to match up pretty well. He bought all his stuff from John at Audioconnection and seems very happy with it. I wouldn't go s... 
Anyone remember Square Deal in Patchogue L.I. ??
Great to hear. For a place that sold "everything" from Cd's and Laser discs(you remember those right?) Car audio with installation, to full home theater set ups(remember those big projection TV's at the front... any way. Steve had one of the best ... 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
Hey Ozzy- Great post..I had to LOL!! Yes..Please get some speakers soon! and best regards, 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Telarcs 1979 "digital" soundstream recording of Stravinsky's Firebird Suite.Imported Pressing.DG-10039Right now it's my only Firebird...I like the Atlanta Symp. and Robert Shaws conducting of this version is very good..but, would like to get a cop...